Friday, March 17, 2023

Got your green on today

 St. Patrick's Day, not wearing any green at the moment,  however, the rain currently falling is melting some of the snow and we can see green grass.  We are suppose to get some significant rain today, warning on TV news last night regarding swollen rivers  due to the melting snow as well as the rain.   

The young man who owns the house next door,  had a break in, in his house last week, so had to come from California to make repairs etc.   He is an airline pilot, so always coming and going to this house which was his Dad's, who passed away suddenly last year.   This man "M" is such a nice fellow, he invited us out for breakfast this morning and we had a lovely visit with him  during our meal.   

Going to visit my dd#2 later this morning to take a suit case to her so she can delivery it to my youngest  gd  for her trip  in May.  We have also had an invite from dd#1 for a birthday dinner tomorrow.  We are such social butterflies.

Going to work on my project this afternoon, not walking today, we would get soaked to the skin, not a pleasant thought as it is a cold day.  Never mind there is always another day and if the snow is melting I don't care how much it rains.

On a regular basis throughout the year, I donate to several worthy causes, to help in research for diseases that have resulted in the passing of several relatives.   Happy  that I am able to do this, however,  it upsets me when I receive numerous requests for donations from other worthy causes.  I have a budget or donations, therefore, much as I would like to, I cannot give to all of the request for help.  Do you get these unwanted requests?

Have a great day


1 comment:

  1. When we cleaned out the inlaws place we found a list of all the people mother in law donated to. Basically anyone who asked. It was appalling.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...