Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Is it here?

Yesterday, the first day of Spring, the weather was OK but, really Spring like as the wind was nippy.  Today, is feeling better, even the temp is rising and the balance of the week is forecast is for the numbers to be above zero.  More snow gone, I hope so.

All of the snowdrops that were in bloom prior to the latest snow storm have survived and now looking as fresh as they were.  Also see I have a crocus in bloom, only one, but it is to see just the same.

Groceries again this morning, the prices of the produce seem to be coming down somewhat, the radish bunches are still very small, also the romaine lettuce.  Cucumbers for on special and were a decent price, so I have two of those in my fridge.  I love a cucumber sandwich at any time of the year.

The meeting for the quilting guild is on Thursday, so I need to get busy and make the required block for the chemo quilt.   Still organizing the  things I need to talk about for the April meeting.

I need to get my hair trimmed, so will try and get an appointment for sometime of Saturday.   

Lunch time, so better go.

Have a great day.



  1. Good to hear the veggie prices are coming down - I'm going shopping tomorrow. It really did feel like Spring today. Hooray!

  2. The signs of spring must be wonderful after such a long, cold winter.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...