Friday, March 31, 2023

Where did it go

Last day of March, where did that month go, seems just a couple of weeks ago it was the 1st. of the month. 

Today, is dark, cloudy and very wet.  Rain is forecast for the entire day and possibly tomorrow if the system does not move on as the report has indicated.  Only consolation is, the temps are above the zero and getting warmer for several days next week.   The snow from the brief blizzard has all but gone.

What am I doing today,  not much by the looks of it, so into the sewing studio I go, hope to be able to show you the fabric collage I am in the process of doing.  Instead of making a wall hanging this time, the project is going into a picture frame.  

Delivered the baby quilt yesterday to my sister B, who will forward it on to her grandson's baby.  When I delivered the quilt, sister B said, I should not expect any response from the grandson or his wife for the quit.  Why don't people make the effort to say "Thank You" for a gift?  I am THAT old fashioned!  That makes me wonder, why do I spend hours making something for someone who does not seem to appreciate it and does not have the common curtesy to give any response, let alone a thank you.  So why do I do it?   I want to recognize the birth of a new baby in the family with a gift, making quilts gives me something to do to satisfy my creative nature  and I enjoy doing it.   So, I suck it up and put on my big girl pants.

Had a nice visit with my sister B over a couple cups of tea and some cookies.   When the conversation turned to the subject of politics, it was time to leave, as her ideas and mine are completely different.  It was nice driving home in daylight for a change, then making a stop for a fast food dinner, which was OK, not thrilled with it, as if was the same old stuff just a different day.

Dinner tonight, at this point in time not really sure, as it is Friday, not that it makes any difference to me, it could be salmon,  all depends on what mood I am in to prepare something quick and easy or a little more complicated, either way we will have something to eat.

Have a great day,


Thursday, March 30, 2023

Visiting today

 Today is completely different from yesterday, still cold but, the sun is shining with not a cloud to be seen.

The roads are clear and dry, when the snow stopped yesterday, the wind was still blowing and dried up the streets quickly. No worries about slippery conditions today.

It is a good day to go and visit my sister.  I have not gone to see her for a long time, due to weather conditions changing so quickly during the Winter.  It takes a good hour and a half to get to her house which is not too far from Lake Erie's effects on the weather.  She can have terrible driving conditions while we are basking in sunshine.  All is good at her place today.

Early lunch and I am off, so very little will be done today.

We had visitors to the bird feeder yesterday morning, four female wild turkeys, all of them looked healthy with beautiful coloured feathers.  In previous times they have come through the garden they looked a bit rough.  I am sure they will be back for a free meal.

We did go for our walk this morning, the wind still has a nip to it but, the sun felt good shining on our faces.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Well..that's a shock.

 Woke this morning to a nice sunny day with a few clouds and a decent temp, so we did our usual walk in some nice weather.  As the day wore on clouds started to come in and sun disappeared, the wind picked up and it became cold.   Now, at 2:00 p.m. as I write, we have aa full blown blizzard out there.  Within a matter of ten minutes everything is white, the window in the kitchen is fully covered with the blowing  snow.  If this keeps up we will be digging out again, just after all of the previous snow has all but melted.  March going out like a lion, so hope that means April will come in a bit more calm than it is out there today.

Need to pick up a Rx from the drug store and do a couple of errands, they will wait, not going out in this today, it will still be there when the sun shines again, which is tomorrow.  Then on Friday, we can expect rain.

Just finished making reservations at a local restaurant for Saturday, as I am taking my two daughters and hubbies out for an early Easter dinner.

Yesterday, I ordered some flowers, on line, to be delivered to a relative in the UK who's elderly father, my second cousin, has passed away.   Filled out the information, however, could not go any further than my credit card, so did not know if it had gone through or not.   E-mailed the UK store, reply indicated they have all of the information for the flowers to be delivered, however, not my credit card number.  The store then indicated it would send out my order to the recipient on March 28th, and asked for my telephone number, so they could call me to get the card number in order to bill me.   The store is in the UK, I am in Canada, how many stores would process an order without payment, for a customer who lives 3,000 plus miles away.  This store certainly went beyond and above their normal service.

Not much else happening around here so I am going into  my happy place and do some sewing.  The errands I wanted to do involved purchasing some plastic bins to store fabric in but, that will wait, I still have a couple of projects to work on to fill my time.

Have a great day.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023


Sunday was such a beautiful day, we could not stay in, so decided to go for a drive.   We ended up along the waterfront of one of the Great Lakes.  The breeze off the water was still a bit chilly to say the least, so windows rolled down a bit and we sat inside the car enjoying the sun.  We have been to this area several times before at this time of the year and have watched the ice floes  drift by, none this time as the Winter has been quite mild.  There was a lake freighter leaving the river to enter into another lake, to  go to, we have no idea.   We thought it was a bit early for the ships to start sailing, however, as I have just mentioned, no ice.  In the past when we go for a drive like this, we take the binoculars and a drink.   We forgot both this time.  

Hopes of the fish and chip truck being parked in the area did not happen, so we had to find another place to have our dinner.  It was a nice change to get out of the house for several hours and soak up the sunshine even if it was chilly.

Yesterday,  we went for our work early in the morning, so we could avoid the cold rain which was forecast later in the day.  Just as it was suppose to happen we did have a couple of showers, nothing like what was predicted.

Today, we have sunshine and cloud certainly not warm.  Better make the most of it though as rain is coming in for the rest of the week.  Welcome to Spring, only consolation, we do not have to shovel rain.

On Saturday I am taking my two daughters and sons in law out for an early Easter dinner, so need to make reservations for that today.  DD#2 will be on vacation at Easter and DD#1 will be busy with her grands, so they will not be coming here for dinner.

Not much else happening today.

Have a great day.


Sunday, March 26, 2023

Gone and good riddance

 All the snow on the property has melted, thanks to the rain and several days of mild temps.   There is still some frost in the ground which will take a little longer to melt, then the ground needs to dry up.

Beautiful blue skies this morning, after blustery winds and cold rains yesterday,  At least my car got washed.  We are now starting into the muddy season, difficult to keep cars clean, so welcome a heavy rain occasionally.

Did the usual Saturday chores, had my hair cut and did some errands, which took up most of the afternoon.

Went for a walk this morning, quite pleasant with the warm sunshine, still needed my ear muffs and gloves though.

Not doing much of anything today, which is about the same as any other day of the week around here.

Have a great day.


Friday, March 24, 2023


We had some considerable rain yesterday morning, and it melted all of the snow on our back garden.  However, on the side of the street where the snow removal equipment pushed all of the snow, there are still piles of thick icy snow, which will take quite awhile to melt.  Rain forecast for tomorrow, so we shall see what that does to the remaining piles.  During the afternoon the wind dried up the streets, so when I went to my quilting meeting last night........NO Boots.   Winter boots are still in the closet as I am sure we are not done with the white stuff yet.

At our meeting last night we had a speaker, who owns a sewing studio and also sells everything associated to sewing.  Some of our members have had many questions about sewing machine needles, so the focus of this talk was on that subject.  I honestly did know know there were so many sewing machine needles on the market,  so everything she showed and talked about was very interesting.  Of course, she had a table of goodies to purchase and I came away with a nice pair of tweezers.  Sounds interesting and extravagant doesn't it.    Ha Haa.   

A number of our members are of age, me included, so travelling to these meetings in the Winter  time is iffy at the best of times, so we are discussing the possibility of  a daytime meetings in the future.  It is easier to travel in the daylight even though the weather is not ideal.  Time will tell if we can come to a conclusion.

Today, what am I doing, good question at this point in time, as I am waiting for a phone call meeting with my Dr.   This seems to becoming more and more popular with our medial professionals these days.   Well, the call came and young female Dr is very nice,  The results of the tests indicated nothing serious , I am falling apart at the seams...does anyone know a good seamstress. 

Have a great day


Thursday, March 23, 2023

April Showers in March

 Woke to a foggy morning, temp at 8*C and then rain,  Hip, Hip, Hooray, it is melting this snow, if it keeps coming down, maybe it will all be gone within a couple of days.

No walking today, we would get soaked to the skin, there is always tomorrow if it is brighter.   Give my weary bones a rest.  

Finished the block I needed to make, however, do not like the way it turned out, so may replace a piece of the fabric with another lighter purple colour.  The mushroom collage I am doing is looking great, even if I do say so myself.  When it is finished you will see what I have done with all the bits and pieces of fabric I have stashed away over the years.  Still have a lot of fabric just waiting to be made into something, I am full ideas just need the time to get them all done.

I know several of the bloggers I follow have a variety of crafts they do and I love each an every one of them.  However, would be interested in some of the crafts, no matter what they are, readers of my blog do, either for relaxation, hobby or professionally.  Leave a comment to tell me what you do.  There are so many talented people out in blog land, show me the fruits of your labour.

Dinner tonight is going to be quick and easy as I am going to my meeting, so better put my thinking cap on.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, March 22, 2023


Flowers keep me in my happy place, so I bought a bouquet of mixed blooms while at the grocery store yesterday.  They are guaranteed to last for at least ten days, if the water is changed very two or three days, which I do as well as snipping off a small portion of the stem.   Wandering through the garden this morning I have flowers there too.  Crocus are showing the purple flowers, just need to have some more sunshine to get them to open.   There is also one small flower on the Lenten Rose, will need to remove some of the dead maple leaves so those plants can get some sun also.  Of course, the snow drops are still doing well.  My crazy cacti are blooming in the house too.   Happy happy, happy.

There is a squirrel building her nest in the tree in the front garden, my goodness, she is so busy, must put many miles on her little legs gathering leaves and running up and down the tree.  

So many signs of Spring, which will include some showers later today, and for the next couple of days too.

That is what is happening in my neck of the woods today, not much else.

Will be starting the required block for tomorrow's meeting as I have not got to that yet.

Left overs for dinner so everything is sorted for the rest of my day, so better get on with it.

Have a great day.


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Is it here?

Yesterday, the first day of Spring, the weather was OK but, really Spring like as the wind was nippy.  Today, is feeling better, even the temp is rising and the balance of the week is forecast is for the numbers to be above zero.  More snow gone, I hope so.

All of the snowdrops that were in bloom prior to the latest snow storm have survived and now looking as fresh as they were.  Also see I have a crocus in bloom, only one, but it is to see just the same.

Groceries again this morning, the prices of the produce seem to be coming down somewhat, the radish bunches are still very small, also the romaine lettuce.  Cucumbers for on special and were a decent price, so I have two of those in my fridge.  I love a cucumber sandwich at any time of the year.

The meeting for the quilting guild is on Thursday, so I need to get busy and make the required block for the chemo quilt.   Still organizing the  things I need to talk about for the April meeting.

I need to get my hair trimmed, so will try and get an appointment for sometime of Saturday.   

Lunch time, so better go.

Have a great day.


Sunday, March 19, 2023

Robins, cold

 Yesterday,  was cold but, we went for our walk anyway to an area we have not walked in this year.  The paths in this park are all cleared of snow, so it was an easy walk with a few snow covered areas.  We went there to see if we could spot the owl on her nest, however, there were so many old trees we did not find her.  After it started to snow had and we were covered in snow we decided to call it a day and go back another day to see if we could locate the tree.  The snow flurries continued most of the day, alternating with some sun, but still cold.  As it is again this morning.   

The only positive thing about the walk yesterday, was I saw robins, lots of robins, so the milder weather cannot be too far away.  First day of Spring tomorrow, that is another good sign, I hope.

Went to my eldest daughter's for dinner last night as she was have a meal for her grandson, daughter and son in law for all three of their birthdays, which all fall within a week of each other.   I had a great time, my great grand son who had his 13th birthday, received a new bike from grandparents, he is such a nice young man, so thoughtful and kind.  I am so glad my Granddaughter has taught all five of her children good manners, not many kids or young adults have any manners these days.   

Not much else happening here today, having roast beef for dinner.

Have a great day.


Friday, March 17, 2023

Got your green on today

 St. Patrick's Day, not wearing any green at the moment,  however, the rain currently falling is melting some of the snow and we can see green grass.  We are suppose to get some significant rain today, warning on TV news last night regarding swollen rivers  due to the melting snow as well as the rain.   

The young man who owns the house next door,  had a break in, in his house last week, so had to come from California to make repairs etc.   He is an airline pilot, so always coming and going to this house which was his Dad's, who passed away suddenly last year.   This man "M" is such a nice fellow, he invited us out for breakfast this morning and we had a lovely visit with him  during our meal.   

Going to visit my dd#2 later this morning to take a suit case to her so she can delivery it to my youngest  gd  for her trip  in May.  We have also had an invite from dd#1 for a birthday dinner tomorrow.  We are such social butterflies.

Going to work on my project this afternoon, not walking today, we would get soaked to the skin, not a pleasant thought as it is a cold day.  Never mind there is always another day and if the snow is melting I don't care how much it rains.

On a regular basis throughout the year, I donate to several worthy causes, to help in research for diseases that have resulted in the passing of several relatives.   Happy  that I am able to do this, however,  it upsets me when I receive numerous requests for donations from other worthy causes.  I have a budget or donations, therefore, much as I would like to, I cannot give to all of the request for help.  Do you get these unwanted requests?

Have a great day


Thursday, March 16, 2023

Is it here

 Woke again to sunshine, went for our walk and took off my mitts, scarf and unzipped my coat as it was such a nice day.  Is Spring just around the corner. I hope so.  My thermometer is registering 10*C. and  snow is melting, however, it is going to take more than one day to get rid of all this white stuff.  Maybe the rain we are forecast to get later today and tomorrow will help.

There was a red winged blackbird at the feeder this morning and I thought I saw a robin in the field across the street,   signs??? usually they are the first indications of warmer weather as they need to eat the bugs as they emerge from their Winter hibernation.   

Cleaned bathrooms and kitchen today, so they are all as spic and span as they can get.  Plan on starting a new project this afternoon, which will be the one I will also do for my demonstration next month.

This sunshine does make me feel so much better.

Have a great day,


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Window open

 Only window open is in our bedroom, I like to have some fresh air come in, even in the Winter.  I close the bedroom door so the furnace does not come on more than it should.  It gets cold in there but, once the sun has moved around the window will be shut again.   I cannot wait until I can turn off the heat, fling open all the doors and windows to get all of the stale air out.   All of the windows need a good cleaning too,, I can only do the ones in the living room, others are just impossible, for me to reach or even get to.   The screens collect the dirt, so when it rains hard against the windows, all of that dirt get on them too. 

Do you open your windows in the Winter?

It is a lovely day, sun shining, still cold but, we cannot do anything about it.   We did go for our walk this morning

Was going to do errands yesterday however, it was so cold and blustery, they did not get done, will do that this afternoon.

Nothing else planned at the moment,

Have a great day


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Old Mother Hubbard

 Went to her cupboard..............and now it is full as well as the fridge, she now has food for another week.   We got groceries today, a Tuesday ritual, why Tuesday, I have no idea.   Could be in the past, the B B Q chickens were on sale on Tuesdays, not any more.  Did get a break on a few things that we normally buy, as they were on sale.   Cheerio's  was one of the sale items, I really do not understand the  logic but, the large family size, which is quite a large box, was on sale for $5.49, the small I  will call it the regular size was also on sale for $5.89.   Why would anyone buy a small box when you can get twice as much cereal for less money.   I am sure the powers that be have an explanation.   What day do you usually get your weekly groceries?

Windy and cold feeling like -13*C today, so tired of Winter, weather man indicated it will warm up later this week with rain.  Just warm up enough to get rid of this snow and I would be happy.

Need to do a couple of errands today, printer ink, and also see if the sewing machine store is open today.

Dinner tonight is chicken, asparagus and some rice.   

Have a great day.


Monday, March 13, 2023

When will it end

 Winter, I am so tired of cold, clouds and snow, which by the way more of it is forecast for today.  

Today, what am I doing today, 

First ...we put all the clocks forward an hour this morning, we never seem to do it at night when we go to bed.  A short day, I always seem to have a slight feeling of jet lag when the clocks change.

Second... will pull together the information, fabric and start on the project I will be giving a demonstration on next month at our guild meeting.  Looking forward to doing this, don't understand why as usually I am not comfortable speaking in front of a crowd of people but, as long as I am well prepared, what can go wrong.

Third....get myself cleaned up and presentable, I will be taking my son and daughter in law out for dinner tonight.  They will be busy doing things with their grand daughter at Easter, so this dinner is my Easter dinner with them.


This post was yesterday's and I did all three of the above.

Nice  to have an evening of light tonight.

Got all the information together for the presentation.

Had a lovely dinner, appetizer delicious, salmon cooked perfectly and all washed down with some nice white wine.

Glad I don't do the bill paying often,   $ $ $'s   we had a nice visit and scrumptious food  that's all that matters.

Today, Monday:

Cloudy with a few flakes of snow which melted on contact while we were walking this morning.   Continued throughout the day,  was hoping for some sun to break through the clouds, unfortunately that did not happen.  

My sewing machine still is not working as I think it should, took it back to the shop, only to find it closed today.  Try again tomorrow, on I will call them first. 

Today is my eldest great grand son's birthday, 13 years old, where did that time go.   Good God women you are old.   He is a nice young man, very thoughtful and kind.   Also, very handsome, he will have the girls after him one of these days.

 Have a great day/evening.


Saturday, March 11, 2023

Another day

 Same stuff happening, so nothing interesting to talk about today.

Ii would just be boring stuff any way,  just checking in to blog land to let everyone know I  am still amoung the living.

Have a great day.


Friday, March 10, 2023

Here it comes again

 Yes, it is snowing again.....just as some of the previous storm was melting we are suppose to get another dumping.   Winter's last fling, I certainly hope so.

No walking for me today, the street looks too slippery to take any chances.

We had a disturbing, disturbing to me anyway, phone call this morning from the young man who owns the house next door.  He is rarely there as he has a job that takes him all over the world.  The house has cameras located inside and outside of the house, which he can access on his phone no matter where he is.  This modern technology is mind blowing.  He was calling to advise there was a man knocking at his front door, last night and the night before at 2:00 a.m.   The call was to let us know so we make sure to lock our doors, which we do religiously.   Makes me feel very uncomfortable when I hear people are roaming around at all hours of the night.   Some time ago we did have a break in. 

A couple of weeks ago I spent a small fortune to have my sewing machine checked over as I was having an issue with the bobbin case.   All fixed!!!  still have the same problem, it was going back today, however, with this weather, it can wait until the roads are in better shape.

Dinner tonight is still a mystery, 

Have a great day.


Thursday, March 09, 2023


 It was such a lovely day yesterday, wall to wall sunshine, still cold but we can't expect much more than that at this time of the year.

We went for our walk in the morning, walking around the block gets us facing the wind for one leg of the trip, for the last portion of the walk  the wind is at our back and the sun full on our face,  which was actually warm, felt so good.  

Still not wanting to stay in the house, I took myself for a pedicure,  then went to purchase some flowers and birthday cake for my second eldest granddaughter.    A nice afternoon being pampered just for a little while and a lovely visit with D and her family.   Her children all arrived home  from school, all full of chatter.

Another sunny day again today, however, clouds are starting to arrive in time for the forecast snow we are getting tomorrow.   Early walk which was nice once again.

Dinner tonight, turkey, dressing, gravy left over from Christmas along with some brussel sprouts.  Don''t know what I would do without my freezer, it is so handy for taking care of left overs.  Warming them by putting them in the microwave and they taste as if made today.  

Have a great day.


Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Another one

 Woke up to lovely sunrise which promised to become another lovely sunny but cold day.  The wind is bitter which makes it feel so much colder than the temp thermometer indicates.

The sky remained clear all day and into the night, the moon was so bright, shadows of the trees were on the snow covered ground.  

Had my x-ray yesterday, then wandered around a couple of shops for an hour or two.  Did buy some fabric for the backing of the baby quilt, nothing else. I do  need to get some printer ink today and may go and get a pedicure. 

Today is my second eldest granddaughter's birthday, I will get her a some flowers and take them over to her some time today.   My youngest granddaughter applied for a co-op job in her field of studies and received a message from her telling me she was the successful applicant and will now be going to an airport in Iqaluit, which is on the northern shore of Hudson Bay.  She will be there from May to August, so may not see complete darkness for that period of time.

Not sure what we will have for dinner tonight, must get into the freezer and see what strikes my fancy.

Have a great day.


Monday, March 06, 2023


The back issues I had are almost 100% so decided to get myself out of the house for a walk.  It was a perfect morning, the street was clear of ice and snow, no wind and the temp was 4*C.   

House all vacuumed and dusted, not all done by me,  I do not vacuum anymore, too much carpet for me to do in one day.  I used to do an entire room a day, however, that meant I was cleaning every day, when all the rooms were taken care of had to start all over again. Cleaning  do 365 days is not my idea of fun. Call me lazy, I really don't care as I am not.  Over my lifetime I have done my share of housework, time to take things a little easier.  

Not much else going on today, seems to be a regular comment I write about each and every day,  I am going to call it  a Cabin Fever comment for the lack of a better description.

Have a great day.



Sunday, March 05, 2023

Slow Sunday

Do not intend to do much today, a day of rest, so they say, even though every day seems like a day of rest here.  Nothing happens just the usual.

 Some of the snow did melt yesterday, the temp of 7*C helped I am sure.  It is cloudy today, the sun did peek through for a short period but don't expect to see it any more today.   The temp is on the plus side a few degrees so we could see a bit more of that white stuff gone.

Hubby's hoody sweat shirt was washed, when it came out of the dryer the zipper had broken.   This shirt, in my opinion should have been in the garbage long ago, as it was being held together by threads.  As I write this he is cutting the good parts into rags.   Me: doing a happy dance.   Just waiting for the pants to meet the same end.  

As I wrote previously, a day of not doing much, so not much to chat about.

Have a great day.


Saturday, March 04, 2023

A Dumping

Woke this morning to about 5 inches of wet snow.

Last night, we had thunder and lightening and snow, I have seen that before, strange weather we are having.  

The university students who live  next door built an igloo, perfect snow for that, as well as snow men the snow clumps together when it is wet  I use to do that with my children, when we had the perfect snow, now just happy to look out the window and watch someone else do it. 

Hubby has cleared off the driveway, and the sun is now shining with a temp of 5*C, so hopefully we will be rid of this soon.

Got quite a lot done on the baby quilt I am doing, and I noticed today my grand daughter in law posted a photo of their daughter reading a book titled, " I am a big Sister", my grandson told me a couple of weeks ago they were expecting another child, now everyone else knows too.  Looks as if another baby quilt will be under the sewing machine needle soon.   They want to know the sex of this baby, so they can either keep the girl clothes or get rid of them.   

Laundry washed, dried and put away, bathrooms cleaned, floor in the bathrooms and kitchen washed.  My back is feeling a lot better, do not intend to over do it any more today.   All the other work will still be there, it's not going anywhere soon.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of my Mother passing in 2019, when the weather breaks I will visit her and Dad's grave to place flowers on it.  The cemetery where they are buried is about 60 kms. from where I live and at this time of the year we cannot rely on the weather being good from here to there, so do not want to take any chance of being stuck in snow or worse.    

Going out for dinner tonight, a new restaurant, let you know tomorrow if we will be going back in the future.

Have a great day.


Friday, March 03, 2023

Here it comes again

Another dumping of snow is coming this afternoon and evening get out those shovels and snow blowers.  Again.

Just finished my lunch of cheese, crackers and a pear.   Had it in the living room writing this to you, with the heating pad on my back,  it is feeling so much better, I think I will live now.  Well, I am sewing again today, not much else to do.  Working on the baby quilt for my sister, top will be finished this afternoon as I have lots of time to myself.  Enough said!

Had a nice meeting last night with my guild members, as it was not a regularly scheduled meeting, the meeting last week was cancelled due to the ice storm we had, some of the ladies were not able to come for one reason or another.  We have been meeting in a church hall since the Covid pandemic, it gives us more room than being in our homes.   Each month there are two members who are in charge of the lunch, the one we had last night was delicious.   Cheese, crackers, grapes, lemon cake and a cake with some mixed fruit in it.  I am guilty of taking a sample of each of the above.  Next meeting is on March 23 rd. so need to get my block finished.

One of my blog friends, I will call her a friend, just as all of you are who read this twaddle  I write every day.  Anyway, she is doing some cross stitching, and has given me the urge to get out all of my threads, look for a pattern and do some of that for a change while watching the mindless stuff on TV.

I guess my now you have figured out I am not in a very good mood today, it will pass just has it has done so before.

Dinner tonight is going to be a pizza and a nice big salad, need to see what there is for dessert.

Have a great day.


Thursday, March 02, 2023

Two in a row

The sun is up and it looks as if it is going to stay for  the rest of the day.  Tomorrow is another story, as more snow is predicted for us.  

  These sunny days and cool nights make the maple sap start to run.   The TV news has reported the making of syrup has started in the local bushes.  The school children will be able to go on a field trip, if they do that still, to see how the syrup was made back in pioneer times and also how it is processed now.  Not a fan of maple syrup, do you like it?  Also, the thick pancakes are not something I enjoy, give me the thin crepe type with a dusting of sugar and lemon juice rolled up like a jelly roll.  Yummy, a childhood memory.

My cactus to not know if they are Thanksgiving, Christmas or what holiday they belong to, as they are all starting to bloom now.  Pink and Fuchsia ones are out now, the third one has yet to show it's colour.  The amaryllis is finished blooming, now waiting for the leaves to die back and Spring to come, so I can put it out in the garden for the Summer.

My back is feeling better, so good enough to go to our re-scheduled guild meeting tonight, looking forward to that.

Leftover ham for dinner, I am sure I can find something else to go with it.  

Have a great day.


Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Pinch, Punch

The first of the month,  March already, time just flies by doesn't it. 

Not much happening here today, Hubby off to his daughter's to do some repairs for her, so I will keep myself busy doing some sewing.  I have started a baby girl quilt my sister wants, it won't be needed until June, want to get it started anyway.

Our re-scheduled guild meeting is tomorrow night, hope my back will be feeling better so I can go to it.  Look forward to these meetings once a month, gets me out of the house to meet women who are interested in the same things I am.

Cloudy day, temp hovering around the zero degree mark.  No snow will melt today, in fact we may get more.

Have a great day.


Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...