Monday, November 01, 2021

My first Halloween--for some reason this did not get published yesterday.

When I lived in the UK,  Halloween was not celebrated, my first one was here in Canada in 1954 when I was 13 years old.   Had to ask school friends what it was all about.  They told my sister B and I what we were suppose to do, get dressed in a costume and go door to door to get treats,  That first Halloween was cold damp with snowflakes in the air.   As we lived in the country we had a lot of walking to do to visit all of the houses in the area, there were not very many within walking distance down those gravel roads. Do not remember what we dressed up as, more than likely some old ratty clothes and a dime store mask, certainly not the fancy costumes in the stores today.   Back then the youth of the area would do some terrible tricks, which were more than what I would call a trick.   Hay wagons were put on roofs of barns, how they did that I do not know, hay or straw bales were set on fire at the four corner intersection in a nearby town, broken eggs were smeared on store windows.  Somewhere there was  always an outside loo tipped over.  The good old days?

Do you remember your first Halloween?

My children were always excited to choose what they were going to be dressed as when they went up and down the street.  One house they tried to avoid ,as the lady there always gave them a bag of popcorn which always spilled over on everything else in the bag they were carrying and end up being a big mess as the bottom.   The dog we had at the time was so excited too when they would come home with their treats as she always expected something, but certainly not any chocolate.  

We will not get any trick or treats here, most of the children go to the populated subdivision, so they do not need to walk very far to fill their bags full.  

Today is dull and grey with misty rain in the air and 9*C but feeling colder than that.  We might see some sunshine later this week.   

There are some subtle changes in the colour of the leaves.  Hubby was asked to take care of the leaf pickup next door, so he is out there at the present time raking under the trees.  He is still waiting for the parts for the tractor.

Dinner tonight, roast of beef, brussel sprouts, turnip, cauliflower.  Dessert fruit in jelly.  So better get at it and start doing some veg prep, 

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