Saturday, October 30, 2021

Still waiting

A telephone techy person is supposed to be installing a new cable for us, between 8:00 a,m, and 11:00 a.m. it is now 11:30 .a.m. and we have yet to see him.  We do not have the very loud hum on the line anymore, in fact the line is completely dead.  So frustrating........  Shortly after I lost my husband 11 years ago, I had an issue with my phone line, (same company as we have now),  it took three months!!!!! to get it repaired.   The reason... it was Winter time, the box with all of the cables in it, that they needed to access, was located at my neighbours back garden.  The tech was not able to get to the box because he was not allowed to trespass into the neighbours garden,  he needed to get permission to go on their property,  they were away for the Winter.   I did get some compensation,  had to get onto the companies Facebook page to get it though, it certainly got some action.  The squeaky wheel always gets the oil.  And so we wait.

The rain appears to have finally stopped for the time being, we had an inch come down yesterday, on top of all we have had during the past few days.   The ground is saturated.  Hope it stays reasonably dry for the little ones tomorrow.   There is nothing worse that trekking around the streets with the kiddies, when it is wet and cold.  Been there, done that.  We are not expecting anyone to be knocking on our door for a treat even though we have candy available, just in case.  

Just last week I was in a store and along with the Halloween costumes and decorations there were artificial Christmas trees, decorations and wrapping paper.   Our city is having a Santa Claus parade on November  13th, after that time the Jolly Old Man can be seen in the Malls.   A bit early, in my opinion.

  Some of the leaves are finally starting to change colour, so they could be falling within the next week.   Hubby is still waiting for his parts, so he doesn't want they to come down too soon right now.

Laundry almost done and more housework is on the agenda today along with some more sewing.   

Dinner?  don't have a clue, must get my thinking cap on I suppose, there are several things to choose from but just don't know what I feel like having.   Well yes I do, someone to prepare and serve....... A nice shrimp cocktail, or some escargot would be nice, followed by a steak and lobster a small baked potato and asparagus, along with a bottle of wine.  Followed by creme brulee, fruit and cheese. Coffee. Can't forget  great conversation with family and friends.    Wake up Patricia....go to the freeze and get weiners and beans, while you are there the buzzer just went off, the drier is done it's cycle.

Have a great day,   I know I will.


  1. You have just described my ideal choice of meal but weiners and beans would also be fine if someone were to prepare them for me! Still raining here but I did go out at one point to cut back some bushes in the rain as I was so bored with being stuck indoors.

  2. It's so much fun to dream, isn't it, Patricia? Steak and lobster sounds absolutely heavenly, as does the Creme Brulee. Heck, I could make a whole meal out of shrimp cocktail, to be honest. Yummy!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  3. Ahhh Patricia ... my kind of dinner too if some one would prepare for me. Shrimp cocktail with lots of seafood sauce, SNAILS swimming with her garlic butter and a fat juicy steak (medium well as I cannot take it medium rare). But like you, laundry is waiting and the floors need a good mopping. ALAS, life is tough


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...