Friday, October 22, 2021

Drivers License

 Eight months ago I had cataract surgery on both eyes and just recently had a check up with my Dr. who gave me two thumbs up, which indicated my sight is now very good.   On my drivers license it indicated that glasses were needed for me to see when driving.  I no longer need that little box checked off, so went to get it removed at the "Drive Test" location.   There were two lineups outside the office as they were allowing so many people in at a time.  One line was for driving tests the other for everything else, which of course was much longer than the other.  I stood in line outside for 3/4 hour and another 10 minutes inside.  I had to take an eye test and sign some papers, all of which took no longer than 10 minutes.  A new license will arrive in the mail shortly in the meantime I have a paper copy.   I am so glad the weather was not wet, cold and windy, it was uncomfortable enough as it was cloudy with a misty rain once in awhile and a cool breeze.   Glad that job is done as I could have received a ticket for driving without my glasses.

Not much else going on here today, Hubby is waiting for a part for his tractor, but as it is an older one he is having problems locating the parts and when he does they will take a long time to get here.   Sign of the times.  

  Yesterday, we had a lot of rain, last evening a brief thunderstorm which cooled things down considerable, today is grey with misty rain, then a brief clearing with some weak sunshine.  The radio indicated a cold night, with possible frost in low lying areas, not ready for that.

Dinner tonight fish veg and a salad, fruit for dessert.


  1. Not looking forward to reaching 80 next year but my optometrist has still given me the green light to drive without glasses. Mind you, I haven't seen her since before the pandemic!

    1. Thanks for leaving a comment, I will read your blog on a daily basis, but may not leave a comment.


Some of it is gone

During the last week of February, we had a mixture of weather.   Cold with snow, a little warmer with rain, some welcome sunshine and back t...