Tuesday, October 19, 2021


 It is  quite cool, but the lovely sunshine is making up for it today.   We are going to make the most of it by doing a couple of errands to my youngest daughter's house and then walking on an elevated  park.  In the city I use to live in, is an abandoned railroad bridge has been converted to this park.   We have heard and read a lot about it, and have often said we would go there, so that is our outing for today.  Hope to take some photos and post them tomorrow.

Did not get around to posting yesterday, just one of the those days where I was busy and really did not get anything accomplished, only a little housework.  

I gave up trying to have an outdoor meeting with a granddaughter, (the one with no vaccinations) so that I could give my great granddaughter her birthday gift,  gave it to my daughter to deliver.  Received a message today, GGD loved her outfit and is wearing it to school today.  

Tomorrow for Hubby's birthday, he did not want to go out for a meal, just cannot accept the fact diabetes is not a life sentence of no good food, I keep telling him it is just a change in what he eats, which does include some great things to eat.   I will be cooking steak, shrimp, baked potato with sour cream and a salad.   His son' and family, from what I understand will be bringing over a cake, he has not told them of his diabetes and I feel it is not my responsibility to do so,  Hubby is quite a private person when it comes to those things.  So he will likely have a small piece.  We also semi decided to take a trip somewhere in the Spring to celebrate both of our 80th birthdays.  

The newspaper was indicating there is a shortage of flowers for weddings etc. also the chips for cars, and people have be advised to buy Christmas presents early as there could also be a shortage of those items, I am sure there is going to be a lot of shortages .   This virus is doing more than make people ill and losing their battle, it is affecting everything and will not stop for a long time I fear.   

Dinner tonight, chicken, asparagus,  and a small baked potato, fruit for dessert.   

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