Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Barometre says sun

 Barometre......It sits on our kitchen counter telling up what the weather will be, the low temp last night and the current temp inside and outside.  But....today it is showing a bright sun, however, we have yet to see it.   I am beginning to think the only well informed weather person, is me, when I look out the window and see what it is or not doing.   Years go  I remember seeing a picture with  a caption underneath referring to the weather.  Apparently seaweed taken from the ocean  and left to dry, was used years ago to predict the weather.  "If the seaweed was dry and crisp, the weather was going to be sunny and dry.   If it was wet it could indicate very humid weather or rain could be expected."  As we do not live by the ocean, we rely on our barometre.

Tuesdays mean grocery day, I can't believe we are so regimented, today we do this, the next day we that, I guess it doesn't really matter just as long as the chores get done on a regular basis.   Off we went to get our turkey for Thanksgiving next Monday, I am glad we did as there were not very many left this morning, hope they get a new shipment in for people shopping later in the week.

What am I up to today, that is a good question, things that need to be done........put my Summer clothes away and get out the warmer wear, make up the bed with fresh linen for my son and DIL who will be staying the night on Monday.  I also want to take a granddaughter her 4th birthday gift this afternoon when she gets on from school.   

When we were out this morning we did notice a lot of the trees are beginning to change colour, none yet showing the beautiful reds,oranges and yellows, just the dirty yellow/brown.   Not rushing the season, but I do like to see the colourful countryside in the Autumn.

Dinner tonight, chicken, asparagus and salad.   Fruit for dessert.


1 comment:

  1. I could never understand why my parents and inlaws shopped on certain days, cleaned on others etc. Then I retired and went into lockdown. It's the only way I can work out what day of the week it is half the time!


Some of it is gone

During the last week of February, we had a mixture of weather.   Cold with snow, a little warmer with rain, some welcome sunshine and back t...