Saturday, October 02, 2021

Making the most of today

 It is a beautiful sunny day, and is suppose to be warm, maybe warmer enough for another ride!, we are hoping it is.   For the seven days after today, cloudy with showers is predicted. temps are suppose to be around the 20*C mark which is not all that bad, however, the dampness makes it feel cooler.

Hubby is finishing up some outside painting he has been doing and he will also be putting some fertilizer on the lawn.   Me, today is laundry day so that is on the go at the present time, then there is always the regular household chores that need to be done.

This afternoon we are attending an open house for a 50th wedding anniversary, it is for a sister-in-law of Hubby's.  This evening my eldest daughter is having a chiminea fire in back garden for her grandchildren, Mia is celebrating her fourth birthday, so we will go over for a short period of time to give her her gift.   I am glad it is outside as my granddaughter and her husband have not had any vaccines, so you can be assured we will be wearing our masks even though we will be outside.  Cannot be too careful at our age.

Well, my face is turning all colours now,  red, purple and now yellow, it is still painful but these things take time to heal, so expect to be not fully recovered for some time.

The signs of Autumn are getting to show more and more as the days go by, leaves are just starting to show some colour and others are starting to fall.  The annual garden flowers are looking very tired, so soon I will be pulling them out.  I want to move a couple of things but may need some more muscles than what I have to get them out of the ground.   Hubby maybe enlisted to help.

Not sure what we will be having for dinner, we need to be more vigilant about what we are putting in our mouths, as Hubby is now on medication for too much sugar in his system.   I am glad I kept all of the cookbooks I had used for my late husband, he had serious diabetes, four needles a day and that did not keep it under control, even with the strict diet I tried to keep him on.  

The golden years!!

Have a wonderful day no matter what you plan on doing.


  1. Just count carbs, honey... no cookbooks necessary, as those usually contain outdated information. Everything has carb counts listed on the label now so it's easy: 30-45 carbs for breakfast, 15 carb snack, 45-60 carbs for lunch, 15 carb snack, 45-60 carbs for dinner, 15 carb snack. That's it... easy peasy! I know you're used to desserts after every dinner in the evening but to be honest, that's a bad habit to get into. Half a banana, half an apple, half an orange or whatever fruit you both like.... is plenty of a "dessert", if one is even necessary. There's really no reason for 4 insulin injections a day now, with so much information out there about carbs. Just read the labels and count the carbs.... your husband will be fine and you will benefit from that way of eating too. I promise. ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. Thanks for the info regarding the carbs, I know from the past that it is all about those, and thanks for reminding me about them again.

  2. It sounds as if your face is reflecting the autumn colours!
    The golden years indeed! Here's hoping hubby's sugars can be brought under control.

  3. When you said your face was turning all sorts of colours, I though you make a typo and should have said, the leaves are turning all sorts of colours!! Hope you get better quick, must be irritating and itchy. I had to google chiminea fire as I have never heard of one. See, blogging certainly does improve my vocabulary, TQ


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...