Sunday, October 24, 2021

White roof tops

 Last night we had our first frost of the season.  The sun had a lot of heat in it when it rose above the treetops, so you could see the steam rising which made for a hazy morning.  It did not last long though as we now have clouds back again.

Not much happening here today, Hubby is washing one of his cars, it has been in the garage for a couple of weeks and when the door is open the wind blows in the dust, so it looked quite dirty.  Mine has been washed with the rain we have had recently.

I am going to bring in my plants today, don't want them to get frost bitten and die on me.   Need to to put up the shelf in front of the window first, so that will be my first job after finishing saying hello to you this Sunday afternoon.

Dinner tonight, we still have some of the meat I cooked yesterday, some brussel sprouts, and another veg of which I am not sure it will be.  Dessert is two remaining portions of the jelly I made yesterday.


  1. I don't think we had frost here but I brought my plants in last week just in case, so no worries on that score.

  2. There was a little white on neighbor's roof, but did not seem like a hard frost.

    πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» 🍬 πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» 🍬 πŸŽƒ


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