Thursday, October 14, 2021


 The garden needs some cleaning up before the really cold weather sets in, but I hate to pull the annual out when they are still looking so bright and colourful.  Hubby persuaded me to let them stay for a little while longer.   I did, however, buy some daffodil bulbs yesterday, so they are going in the garden sometime today.

Yesterday Hubby picked up all the leaves from a property across the street and late in the afternoon we took them to the recycle depot.   When we were leaving we spotted a huge pile of wood chips,  so all the bags that we emptied are now full of weed chips.   We did the same thing early in the Spring, they are expensive to buy, (not that we can't afford them), but they were only going to be turned into compost anyway, and we could use them, so we are in fact recycling.   The pile of garden waste at this depot is huge, front end loaders push it back until no more can be added and then it is taken away in huge transport trucks to the area where they compost it all.

Had my trial  hearing aids given to me yesterday, and have put them on first thing this morning, so far, and it has been only a couple of hours I am liking these a lot better than the previous ones I had.   I need to get out into a crowd so that I can adjust them for the background noise, that will be the selling point I think.  They are pricey, however, money from the government health plan and my private plan will  help with some of the cost.   

Dinner last night was left overs from Thanksgiving, they are mostly gone now.   I put the bones,onion, celery and carrots in the crock pot and today I will be making some turkey soup.  

Tonight, we will have pork chops, veg and a salad, with fruit for dessert.

Cloudy today, we can expect rain at some point in time, but it certainly not cold.

Must get moving, so everyone have a great day.

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