Saturday, October 09, 2021

It has been one of those days

 Not that anything went wrong, just that we did nothing to go wrong, but we were busy doing lots of things but not accomplishing anything.  We have become a couple of night owls, so that meant getting up later than we normally do.   

It has been a nice warm day, with a mix of sun,clouds and a couple of brief showers,  a bit more rain tomorrow, but looking good for the holiday Monday.

Turkey out of the freezer thawing out, my goodness they take a long time, its been out now for three days, (in the fridge I might add) and it is still quite frozen.  I have placed it in some cold water for a short period of time to speed it up a bit.

Hubby has been on his diabetic med. now for a week and he jumped (not literally) and weighed himself this morning and was pleased the numbers did not go as high as they did last week.   He is certainly not overweight, but just a few pounds over the weight he wants to be.   I also lost some pounds too, so the new diet certainly is working.  He just wishes he could get rid of his belly, but unfortunately, it's an age thing.

We had spaghetti bolognese and salad for dinner, which, if I must say was very tasty.

Tomorrow I need to get myself moving, a granddaughter and her boyfriend are going over for a visit and I plan on going to give great granddaughter her b-day gift.


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