Thursday, October 28, 2021


We still have a landline, can't teach these two old dogs new tricks, having said that, we also do have cell phones.   Recently, with all of rain we have been having, this service has been giving us a lot of trouble with humming on the line so loud it is difficult to hear any conversation.   About a month ago it was "fixed" and now we have the same issue,and it was "fixed" yesterday.   The techs do give it a repair that lasts for a short period of time, called them again to report it and another tech arrived a short  time ago and indicated the entire cable needs to be replaced.   We live in an older neighbourhood so the cables have likely been here for a long time, and not replaced due to cell phone usage becoming the norm.   

I worked in my front garden yesterday afternoon, it was a lovely day and I got a lot of work done.  Intend to go out and do some work in the back this afternoon.  Hate to pull up all of the annuals as they are still doing quite well, in spite of the frost and lots of rain.   We are expected to have more days of rain during the next week, so it should be done today.  We are still waiting for the leaves to change colour and fall.  Hubby is hoping it will not happen before he gets the parts for the lawn tractor as we use it with a bagger on the back to pick them up.  Property just too big to rake by hand.

One of my granddaughters is having a birthday today, C is 26 years old.  She works in a deli baking bread and rolls and also works in the kitchen of a nursing home, both are part time jobs.  She graduated from a culinary college several years ago, and has had these two jobs ever since.  She loves working at the nursing home, as the manager of it gives her free reign to bake whatever she wants, the residents love the variety she gives them.  C is hoping one of the staff will soon retire so she can have a full time job there.

So happy, this evening our quilting guild is having and in person meeting.  Almost back to normal.

Dinner tonight pizza and a big salad,  not sure what is for dessert yet, I am sure I will come up with something.

Have a great day.



  1. For me it would have to be either salad or pizza... not both. My stomach just won't hold that much. *lol* 9 times out of 10 I'd choose the salad but not always. Our landline phone buzzes after a heavy rain too. I thought we were the only ones that it happened to. Good thing we don't use a telephone much. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  2. I also still have my landline but family persuaded me to get a cell phone this year. I hardly use it and haven't given out my number to anyone other than family. Fun for you to be able to meet with your quilting group. I belong to a Scottish Country dance group but haven't returned yet - too much hand holding and having to dance wearing masks. My Book Club also is still not meeting.


Some of it is gone

During the last week of February, we had a mixture of weather.   Cold with snow, a little warmer with rain, some welcome sunshine and back t...