Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Sleeping with an "OLD MAN"

It's Hubby's birthday today, 80 years on this earth and still going strong .  I found  nice birthday card which says everything about how I feel about him.   

His brother  "J" and wife "J" came over to wish him a Happy Birthday, with a Tim Hortons muffin, which was a no no, but he cut down on his lunch, so he could enjoy it.   He was surprised to see him, as J and J never come over for any length of time.  He had a nice chat and was happy that I had contacted them.   

The day started off nice and sunny but quickly changed to cloudy skies and a few rain drops, we can expect  to get a good amount of rain during the next few days.   

We had a lovely day yesterday, visiting the elevated park, however, was disappointed the trees had not changed colours yet, as it would have looked really  nice seeing them from  the height we were.  Unfortunately, I did not taken any photos, we will try and go back again later.

We took down the awning over the balcony today and took in all of the furniture and planters, no more lunches outside until next year.

Dinner tonight steak, etc, etc.


COLD --------- and------- NEWSPAPER

Today is bitterly cold due to the Polar Vortex in this area, and it is suppose to be the same until Wednesday when it is suppose to warm up ...