Sunday, October 17, 2021


 Thank goodness for the furnace coming on during the night because last night was the coldest we have had in a long time. The skies cleared late last evening, the moon was shining and temp went down to 8*C.  Must get use to it I suppose as it is going to get worse before it gets any better.  The sun is shining and we have a beautiful blue sky that makes up for the chilly start to the day.

No specific plans for the day just the usual Sunday we have these days.   Hubby is currently cleaning up the cold room which is under our two car garage.   He has his power saws down there and we use it for storage, or a better description could be storage/junk collector room.   You name it it is in there, BBQ, chairs, dust, everything else-------wood etc. etc. you get the drift, I am sure.  I think every home has an area where it can be described as a dumping place, some just a drawer, all the way to what we  have, a room.  Do you have such a place where things a collected?

The leaves are taking a long time to start changing into their Autumn colours this year, only the odd tree has turned and begun to fall.   

I think I mentioned previously, Hubby has a birthday this coming Wednesday, I know some families don't make a big fuss over those occasions, however, this is his 80th. and you would think his family would do something.   I have had to call  his son to enquire if they were doing anything special,   they will be bringing over a cake.  I am at a loss as what to do.   We are reluctant to go out an do anything even though restrictions have been loosened,  we need to be careful due to our ages.   Any ideas.

I did get into doing some sewing yesterday and plan on doing more today.

Dinner tonight, salmon, green beans, mushrooms, and salad.   Fruit for dessert.


  1. I always forget that not all families are like, many times, people truly are at a loss as to what to do on special occasions like this. My kids, their spouses, and grands are always looking for an "excuse" for a get-together. Anyway, Pat, instead of asking the kids what they're going to do for their dad's 80th birthday, why don't you contact each one & say "Hey, I wanted to do a little something for your dad's 80th birthday coming up so... why don't all of you come here (on such-and-such a day & time) to celebrate. We'll buy take-out pizza to share & if one of you want to bring a cake, that would be great! And that's that... instant party!! :-) Buy some of the economical birthday plates and napkins and maybe even a cheapo birthday plastic tablecloth for the main table. Have it outside if it's nice enough.

    Always be the first one to reach out and offer to host. Get together for any occasion and often! Pretty soon it will be nothing to get ready for a gathering and it will foster more.

    Enjoy & happy 80th birthday to your husband!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. That is a good idea Andrea, however, as I have only been in this family for six years I don't want to step on anyone's toes. That is the way I think about these things....don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

  2. It's my hubby's birthday tomorrow. Fortunately our eldest has the afternoon off work as he has a physio appointment so has invited his dad over to sample his home brew! Not strictly legal under Melbourne lockdown but they will sit outside and all are double vaxxed. My shopping opportunity is limited so it will be a bottle of good scotch, I think. I hope your hubby gets to see family.

  3. My Hubby is a non drinker and has no hobbies, so my choices are limited. I am thinking and hoping in the Spring the Covid thing will be better and we could go away for a week to celebrate both of our 80th birthdays.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...