Friday, November 05, 2021

The Guy

November 5th is Guy Fawkes Day, when I was living in the UK, we would get old shirts, pants, coat anything that was available, stuff it all with straw and then make a face with a hat on it.   We would place Guy in a wheelbarrow and go door to door in the village, asking for "a penny for the Guy".  Then we spend the money on fireworks.   The house we lived in at the time had a large grassy area at the back and everyone in the village would bring all of their hedge clippings and branches to make a huge bonfire.   All of the Guy's that were made were put on top of this huge pile of branches.  You must remember there are a lot of hedges in the UK so this fire was huge.  When it was dark everyone would gather around and the fire was set alight.  Fireworks were set off, not very many from what I can remember, times were tough back then.   

We would also travel to  the the village where my Grandfather lived as they would have a big parade and fireworks.  After all the festivities quieted most everyone would go to the pub to "wet their whistle"    as we were not allowed in the pub area, my sister and I would go into the dining area, sit by the fire and have crisps and an orange squash.  Funny how those little things stick in your mind but you cannot remember what you had for dinner last night.

We have a lovely sunny but cool day.  Writing to you, my friends, as I wait for my lunch to settle and then will be going for a walk.   Dusting and odds and ends done in the house this morning, so not much else left to do today, except prepare dinner.

Had my hair cut yesterday, I feel so much better.   

Received a call from a friend yesterday, she had been talking with another person who we both worked with and now all three of us have arranged a lunch date for Monday next week.   All of use to go to the theatre once a month during the Winter months, but you know what put a stop to that, so it is going to be so nice to see these "girls" again.

The snow we had a couple of days ago reminded me to make an appointment to get my Winter tires put on my car, so an appointment made for a couple of weeks from now.

The owner of the house next door had contracted Hubby to do the garden work, so that kept him busy this morning.  The estate is looking great at the present time, not a leaf in sight, on the ground, that is, but that I am sure will change in the coming days.

Well I should get my clothes changed into something warmer and head out for at least half an hour.


  1. I do remember Guy Fawkes bonfires (I grew up in Scotland), a chance for the community to get together before winter set in. It was actually bigger than Hallowe'en. Nice to be able to get together with friends. I am dying for my Bridge group to start up again - maybe I should call everyone and try to get it going.

  2. Crisps and orange squash! Ah, the memories.


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