Wednesday, November 10, 2021

View from my living room window

 This morning we have beautiful sunshine which is melting the frost on the roof tops.   The trees are  finally starting to change colour and this is the view this morning from my living room window.   

I am in the process of purchasing new hearing aids.  The set I have at the present time are seven years old, way past their due date, so to speak.  During the past three weeks I have been having a pair on trial and had to take them back today.  To my surprise there was another pair waiting for me to try, so were fitted with them, oh! so much better than the trial ones I took back today.   The set I am currently wearing is on trial for two weeks and if they are still as comfortable and doing the job as they are today, these will be my new ones.  So much better,  they should be for the price of them.  Pricey little devils.

The blue sky you can see in the photo above as now disappeared, it's 3:30 p.m.   and more clouds are in forecast to arrive overnight.  Typical November weather.

Dinner tonight taco's and a big salad.  Have not had these for awhile, should be nice for a change.

Not much else happening today.


  1. Hearing aids are a nuisance but make such a difference. I wish my husband would wear his more often!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...