Saturday, November 13, 2021


Last Thursday while in my car I had the radio on a local station that guarantees no song will be played  twice between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., which is great for people listening while they work, either in an office or as background music in a store.   On that day the announcer/disk jockey indicated  on the following day Friday, November 12th the  station would be starting to play CHRISTMAS music during the work day hours.   It's the middle of November, for goodness sake,  Christmas music!!!   Don't get me wrong I like Christmas music, all kinds of Christmas music, but in my opinion, now is much too early to start playing it.   Maybe, it could be because our city is having a Santa Claus parade tonight.    Do you think November 12th is too early to start playing Christmas music? 

Laundry done, dryer working great after being repaired last week.   Did get to clean the kitchen and then made two small lasagna one for dinner tonight and another for the freeze to use later.

Hubby filled the trailer full of  leaves yesterday and we went to the depot to get rid of them.  Just as we were pulling into the facility, the clouds burst open with a cold mixture of rain and snow which was being blown around with gusting winds.   Needless to say we were happy to get back in the SUV with the heated seats on, after we left the depot.   All the clothes were put in the dryer when we got home.

He is outside at the moment picking up more leaves next door where he has been contracted to pick them up.  The forecast for the coming days indicate rain and or snow, so he wants to get it done today.  There are still a lot more to fall, so it is going to be an ongoing chore for a few more days.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Definitely too early for Christmas music! Still no snow here - I guess you are nearer a lake than me - but it is much colder.

  2. You will be sick of me envying your snow by the end of winter! I understand what you mean about Christmas music in November. It's like the hot cross/easter buns that hit the shelves on Boxing Day!

    1. You should come today, Sunday if you want some snow, it is coming down. Not the fluffy flakes yet but, snow just the same.

  3. I love Christmas music so it's never too early for me to hear them. In fact, and I know this is going to sound strange, but the closer to Christmas it is... the more that Christmas music brings tears to my eyes. When it's the week before Christmas I start thinking of my parents who are gone, as well as of all the Christmases when I was a little girl. Then the tears start to flow! But if I hear Christmas music and it's way early yet, I don't get that feeling so I tend to enjoy the music more. Strange, I know. *lol* So hearing Christmas music around this time makes me happy. ~Andrea xoxoxo


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...