Monday, November 29, 2021

Mother Nature did a wonderful job.

She worked hard all night long and left everything snowy white, virgin  and not a footprint in sight.   I have mentioned previously, I hate Winter, but I must admit outside my window this morning it was beautiful.  About four or five inches covered everything. 

The above two pics are from my living rooom window.

 The above two pics are from my front porch.

The temp did rise to 4*C and there was some sunshine, so some of it did melt.  By the end of the week I am sure it will all be gone.   Ready for the next storm.   If each dumping for snow melts before the next one comes it so so bad, but some Winters the snow has been so deep at the end of the driveway, you cannot see any cars or pedestrians coming towards you.  It is also difficult to pile on the side of the driveway when you have to lift it up and over the bank.  

Apart from looking at the snow, I did some housework, cleaned out my fridge, and did this and that.  Also spent some time sewing.

Dinner tonight was salmon, carrots, stuffed mushrooms and a very small baked potato.  


  1. You have some spectacular scenery around you! Don't you feel it is too early to be seeing such wintery scenes? Usually we can get through a chunk of December before the snow arrives. It just makes winter so much longer to have it arrive in November.

  2. It looks beautiful. We are expecting 30*C for the first day of Summer.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...