Saturday, November 20, 2021

Bitter Wind

 Needed to do a couple of errands today, had to make sure I was dressed for the bitter cold wind.  It makes the air feel so much colder than what the thermometer is showing.   My car didn't warm up very quickly, so it was a cool ride to the drug store and back.

The mall I went to is all decorated for the Christmas season and Santa and an elf were there meeting children.   As I passed, one little girl wanted a hug from Santa and her Mother had to remind her "no hugs" this year.  The look on that child's face showed a lot of disappointment.  Even the Santa had a sad look in his eyes.  Such a sad sight.   Hopefully, next year she will still believe and she will receive a hug from Santa then.  We can only hope.

In the cold weather, one of our garage doors will not go up and down as it should, so Hubby has been adjusting the necessary screws/buttons? on the motor section.  This one door has always given us a problem, hopefully it is now working OK.

Tomorrow I go to DD1 for the surprise for my birthday, I have been  trying to guess what it might be, came up with a couple of ideas, so I will have to see if one of those guesses was right.  Usually, I do not like surprises, so hope I am not disappointed or shocked.

Boneless, skinless chicken thighs for dinner tonight, veg, salad and made jelly with fruit for dessert.

I jumped on the scales this morning and did not like the numbers, the scale must be broken,  LOL  so being a bit more aware of my food intake and going to make a promise to you my friends to walk every day, no matter the wind, snow, rain whatever Mother Nature throws my way.   Usually, I do less physical activities at  this time of the year, so need to do something to get me moving.

Have a great day.


  1. Winter is my favourite time of year for walking. Not that I do much but if I have to I prefer winter! I hope your surprise is a pleasant one. Scales are evil.

  2. Trudging through snow is not my idea of fun so I usually work out indoors in winter. On sunny days I'm out like a shot, well bundled up, unless there is snow on the ground. Hope your "surprise" lived up to expectations!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...