Friday, November 26, 2021

Dam! The forecast was right.

 Not very often the weather person on TV gets the forecast right, but last night he was right.  So what did he say...."Snow, blowing snow if our area gets  under one of of the streamers coming off Lake Huron, accumulations could be 5 cm - 10 cm"   " For the rest of the upcoming week. more of the same."   "Temps will hover around the zero and below mark, however the wind will make it feel even colder".   Thank you very much Mr. Weather Man.   I know he is only reporting what the models show, I don't like it just the same.  

I mentioned a "streamer".  A streamer is wind blowing from West to East over a large body of water, Lake Huron in our case.   Because the lake is still open water, the wind picks up moisture and due to the cold temp it becomes snow.  Which is then blown by said wind.   Because the winds come in gusty bands across the lake some areas get more snow than others and some no snow at all.   We are usually in the area that gets more snow than others.   How lucky can we be?   The long range forecast for the Winter is, we will have warmer temps and usual, warmer I say?  instead of - 32*C it might me -20*C. I am being facetious.  Due to the warmer temps the lake will not completely freeze over, so the winds will pick up a lot of moisture which will result in higher than normal amounts of snow.   It's a toss up, if it's  really cold, little snow, if warmer lots of snow.  Not sure what I would like, well yes I do, skip Winter and go right into Spring.    Hope this extended forecast is completely wrong.

When we got up this morning the ground was white with snow, and as I write this at 10:30 a.m. the snow is falling and being blown around.   Today is an inside day for me, no reason to go out.

We had a great meeting last night, even though we had to wear our masks, but that was OK.   We discussed a lot of issues facing our group and was able to get them all solved and everyone was happy.  Next year we are still going to make quilts for the chemo patients at a local hospital, which has been our focus for a number of years.   Unfortunately, the need is always there.

We are expecting a repairman to come today to fix the garage door, no time frame for his arrival, just sometime during Friday.   Hubby is at a loss as to what to start doing, as, as soon as he starts he would need to stop.   I am so glad he got himself a computer a couple of years ago it has been a Godsend as he can do a lot of research for some many things he is interested in.      

I am going to get some housework done this morning and after lunch going to hunker down in the sewing room for a couple of hours.  

Dinner tonight, we have two portions of the meat loaf I made yesterday, so all I need is a couple of veg.  I made two small individual apple crumbles last night and they are both gone, they were so good, even if I do say so.  So I will need to think about dessert, maybe only a piece of fruit would be sufficient. 

Have a great day everyone.


  1. In our area (northern-most Indiana) we call that type of snow "lake effect snow" as it comes off Lake Michigan. Usually it dumps a foot of snow if it gets going good. Sounds like a good day to stay inside, for sure. Maybe put on a little Christmas music as you sew. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. The weather people call it "lake effect snow" I call it names I cannot print here. LOL

  2. So far no snow here although we had a few "pellets" that disappeared pretty quickly. I dread the day I will wake up to see the world covered in the white stuff! That sounds like a productive meeting of your quilting group, so good to be making things that people need.

  3. I still hold the romantic image of snow in my head. I know it's cold and wet and slushy and gets dirty but as I head into Summer (which I hate) I will pretend snow is lovely. I feel for you, though, as it sounds like winter lasts a long time.

    1. It's only romantic for me when I have no need to go out in it and look at it through my windows.
      In my perfect world, it could snow all it wants, only if it did not fall on my car, driveway, streets and roads. Wishful thinking, however, I must say the snow removal equipment we have here is excellent with clearing the snow.


They are coming out of hibernation

 People, yes people are out and about.   It's not Spring yet, but the three sunny days we have just had are certainly making a spring in...