Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Crunchy Carpet.

 For some reason, not sure what, could be me I suppose but, my post from yesterday did not get posted so did it today.

Brrr, it is a cold one this morning, the frost overnight was a real killer, so when the sun was shining on the leaves which are still on the trees, they started to fall fast and furious.   The leaves of the Copper Beech at the front of the house are very crisp and there are so many on the ground now, we were walking on a crunchy carpet of brown when we went out.    As well as the leaves falling this a.m. there was very small snowballs, much like hail only white, of course.    We still have lovely sunshine but, it is quite cold, will need to bundle up when I go for my walk today.  The wind yesterday was bitter, so had on my Winter coat with the hood up, a wool hat underneath that and gloves.   Toasty warm after getting my blood moving.

We were up fairly early and got our groceries this morning before the student crowd arrived.   The prices of fresh veg. have gone up considerably, 'tis the season as there are very few fresh veg during the Winter here.  

At my great grandchildren's school they were selling, onions, white potatoes, yams, and apples to raise money for equipment.  There would have been too much for the two of us, so my DD1 and I split  the veg and apples, which is still more than we would use during a week, so most of them are now in the cold cellar until we need them.

 Hubby was able to purchase the part needed for the garage door opener, and is now putting it all together, keeping my fingers crossed that it will now work, as he has spend a lot of time trying to get it fixed.

I worked on the challenge for our quilting group yesterday afternoon, for some reason I just could not get myself motivated to do much of anything.   Better today, so should get myself off this computer and get moving.

Tuesday, chicken night, asparagus, salad and I made a low sugar dessert last night and there are two serving left so that is dinner taken care of.

Have a great day, keep warm and dry if you are in the Winter time of the year and cool  and hydrated if you are heading into your Summer.  


  1. So much to comment on in your blog so please bear with me. My front yard tree finally dropped all its leaves last night so I got them raked up and bagged this morning. Some will go out for pickup next week and some will go in the composter later when there is room. Just a little sprinkling of snow here but it is very cold, so I was in my winter coat for grocery shopping and raking leaves. But the sun was shining so I'm a happy bunny! Hope your garage door is fixed.

  2. Sun is shining here and it's getting warmer every day. Even in Winter it doesn't get that cold. I know what you mean about not being motivated. Much as I love my craft sometimes it's just a meh day.


They are coming out of hibernation

 People, yes people are out and about.   It's not Spring yet, but the three sunny days we have just had are certainly making a spring in...