Monday, October 04, 2021


Yesterday we had showers and again today has started out that way too.   Not cold so glad of that, as the damp cold seeps into my bones and I cannot get warm.

We had a lovely visit with Hubby's sister-in-law  M yesterday afternoon, a cup of tea, cake and conversation.  We last saw her, in person, three years ago when she came back to Ontario for a visit.   Zoom visits are not the same as personal ones.  She returns home to B.C. today after being here for two weeks, visiting family and friends.  M and her husband usually go to Arizona for the Winter, but did not do that last year and will not be going this year either.

No work will be done outside today as it is just too wet to do anything constructive, so I will get into my sewing studio and do some work in there.  Hubby is currently as the dentist for a checkup.

So as there is not much to talk about today, I will close for now, might be back later if something earth shattering happens.  Don't expect that, but you never know.

Have a wonderful day no matter what you are doing.


1 comment:

  1. Working in your sewing studio on a rainy day sounds nice & cozy, Pat. Enjoy! ~Andrea xoxo


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