Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Old Man Winter

 He hit with a vengeance starting last evening, and by all the warnings on TV and newspaper, we can expect snow, and blowing snow through today and into tomorrow morning.  At the time of writing this blog the time is, 11:00 a.m. and we have about five inches of snow on the ground, so we can expect at least that same amount to accumulate during the next hours. It is a wet snow that is clinging to all the branches etc, and it does look very pretty, if snow that deep can look pretty.

Hubby cleaned off the car so that we could do our early morning grocery shop and then had to do it again in the parking lot before we could drive home.  We were in the store for not quite an hour.  We are all stocked up for food for the next few days.  Once the snow removal equipment gets out on the streets and roads they will be relatively clear.   During a snow storm like this, the snow removal equipment usually do several passes, to keep the traffic moving.

Hubby will likely go out after lunch and start to clear the driveway, and he may have to do it again later in the day.  Thank goodness he has a snow blower to do the job.

I plan on sew this afternoon, I have lots in there to keep me busy

Dinner tonight chicken, baked potato, veg and not sure what dessert is tonight.  

1 comment:

  1. Please buy food for weeks and not just days. Research is showing that people are catching covid the most by shopping... including grocery shopping. Better yet, order curbside pickup. Take good care~ Andrea xoxo


The world of white

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