Friday, December 04, 2020


 The sunset last night was the most beautiful one I have seen in a long time.  The entire western sky was PINK.  I took a couple of photo's but they do the real thing justice, so not going to show them.  It was the end of a day that was OK for the month of December.   A bit of sun, a bit of cloud and also a bit of wind that could be called a bite not a bit.  Temp all day was above the zero mark so a little more snow melted.

Did a few errands today, wheels retorqued from having my Winter tires put on, picked up some milk Fit later today, need to finish the quilting on my cardinal, should be done and ready to hang, maybe tomorrow.  Then I will take a photo of it and share.

Going to look though my cook books and on the internet for Christmas cookies, I usually do shortbreads which I will do again this year, but looking for something different.  Any suggestions?  What is your favorite Christmas cookie recipe, other than shortbread?  Obviously, we will not be having family over to eat them, so only going to make a couple and then freeze some, so that we have a supply of sweet treats during the holidays.

Have to contact my grandchildren to see what my great grands need in the line of clothes this year.  I suspect, as always none of them really need anything.  Toys are not on my list of things to buy them, that is up to Mum and Dad (oops Santa).  

Once my grands reach the age of 18, I do not give them anything for Christmas, what they wanted back then were things I knew nothing about, ie: electronics, and I could not afford to buy them for four.  All four are now married with spouses and doing very well.  I have two grandchildren, one 22 and one 18years,  I have been bending my "no gift after 18 rules" with them. Why? you might ask.   They have always been close to me, not just physically but emotionally too.  I was with their parents when they were put in their arms, thousands of miles away from home.  I looked after them when Mum and Dad were working shift hours to pay for all the expenses of adopting  them, internationally.  They are very smart, ambitious  and caring young ladies.  I give them some money to help with their educations for  University and College.  One is finishing her four year of Honor's B. Sc Biology and is starting her Masters in Sept.  The younger of the two, I believe I have mentioned before, has two pilot license and is going to attend College in Sept to become a pilot.  Don't get me wrong all of my grandchildren are special, each in their own way,

Well I should get this finished and do something.

Dinner tonight salmon, and we have a salad, so far, so have to decide what else we can have also need to think about dessert

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