Saturday, December 12, 2020


Dull and very wet today, most of the snow  is melted, just a little left in the field across the street.  The forecast also included some freezing rain, wet snow and heavy rain.   We had some high temps yesterday, up to 11*C, not quite to that degree today.  Then starting tomorrow the temp plunges down to the minus numbers and is forecast to be that way for at least the nest week.  It's, December, so we can expect almost anything.

Posted all of my Christmas cards yesterday, Hubby has one to write, to a woman  he has know for a long time, usually including a letter too,.  Years ago when they were going to teachers collage, the woman (D) and her girl friend rented rooms from Hubby and his wife.  (D) has always been in touch, mostly at Christmas, for many years.  She was 18 years old when she lived in this city and is now a grandmother, so the communication has been going on for many years.  Three years ago, Hubby and I were in the area where she currently lives, made contact via phone, but unfortunately unable to visit her.  I mentioned to Hubby, that would be a nice road trip next year make prior arrangements to visit her and her family.  

My youngest granddaughter, will likely be soooo excited today, she has just purchased her first car.  She has been working part time for several years, and will be full time until September, when she goes back to her education, so plenty of money in the bank for car and school.  She is very sensible about money matters.  

This week my sister's family increased by one, her great grand daughter arrived on Tuesday, saw photo on FB, she sure is a cutie.  

Not sure what is on the menu for tonight's dinner, must decided soon I suppose.

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