Saturday, December 26, 2020

Quiet Days.

Our Christmas dinner was lovely, now to tackle the leftovers.  I love leftover Christmas  dishes, all of the hustle and bustle of preparing is finished and I can just enjoy the food.  Thank goodness for the microwave ovens they make the food look and taste as if it was just prepared.   A big pot of turkey soup is going to be made, we are going to be needing some warm comforting food in the coming days and weeks.

Woke up to eleven (110) inches of snow this morning, we can expect flurries during the day, so that amount could increase somewhat.  Just glad we don't have to go out for anything, even if we wanted to.

As my heading suggested, we are going to be having quieter days ahead.

Dinner tonight...yep you guessed it. Just have to open the fridge and viola........  turkey, potatoes, gravy, squash, brussel sprouts, dressing and cranberry sauce.  Dessert, cherry cheese cake.

1 comment:

The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...