Sunday, December 27, 2020


 Shadows are appearing on the snow, no blue sky yet but the hint of some sunshine is just enough to see the shapes of trees outlined in the snow.  It did not get as cold as the forecasted -11*C, on down to -4*C which is a plus.  Tomorrow we could have mixed precipitation, which means rain, freezing rain, snow or name we could have it. That is tomorrow we will worry about that, if and when it gets here, so today I will enjoy a brighter day.

Not much going on around our house today, we had a normal Sunday breakfast scrambled eggs, toast, juice and coffee, it is Sunday isn't it?  The days this week are all going to be mixed up.  No newspaper on Friday, so that had to be Sunday Right? or was it Monday, we have no paper on Mondays.  Newspaper on Saturday, so was that Tuesday?  /so paper today, so is it Sunday or Monday?   You get my meaning.   Looking back as what I just wrote, it is a sad situation when your days of the week are determined on whether you get a newspaper or not.  There has been no reason for me to distinguish between any of the days anymore.

Feeling very down today,  tired of not being able to go and visit family, tired on not being able to just about anything these days.  I am already tired of the snow and cold temps and we have two of the worst months of Winter ahead of us.  Tired of doing the same thing day in and day out, my mojo has gone and left and don't know when it will be coming back,

So must get on with my day,  I need to refresh the water in a vase of flowers a cousin in England sent to me.  Also need to water my poinsettia and the geraniums I brought in the house to over the foyer downstairs.  Still have some blooms on them, a beautiful coral colour.  The flowers brighten my day. Usually, once a week in the Winter, I make my way over to a garden centre just to wander through and look at the flowers and plants and most time pick up something too.  However, not able to do that.

Dinner tonight, we still have some veg from Christmas Day dinner to use up, not sure what to have for meat yet, still time to decide.  Cheesecake for dessert and that will finish it off.  

Have a great day.


  1. Here in Minnesota, it got down to -5F but thankfully, it will be warming up to 19F (woohoo--heatwave!). Sorry you were feeling down. This is a hard time for certain. My mom was supposed to come and visit me for the holidays but with COVID, I did not want to risk her getting sick. We are now in the habit of talking on the phone a few times a day. Now that Christmas is over, I am focusing on planning my garden and looking at garden books. Hope your days get better. Hugs from Minnesota.

    1. Thank you for your comments. A lot of our snow melted over night, which is just fine with me. I took a quick peek at your blog, OH!! such lovely books. The roses are beautiful. Several years ago my late husband and I went to Amsterdam, and took a side tour to the Keukenhof gardens, they were magnificent. All, I should say 90% of the flowers grew from bulbs, all the colours one could imagine. I purchased one of their books and look at it often. Feel better today, going to have a Facetime chat with my five great grands as they open the gifts I sent to them. Looking forward to that this afternoon.
      Going to look at more on your blog.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...