Monday, December 28, 2020

It's Going

 Overnight the temp rose to 6*C and we had precipitation, which melted a lot of the snow.  The eleven inches on the table is now about one inch.  A mixed bag of weather is in the forecast for the next couple of days.  

Feeling a bit better today,  going to have a Facetime visit with five of my great grands as they open the gifts I sent to them.  I am expecting a lot of noise and laughter, which is nice to hear.

I re-arranged the flowers I received from a cousin in the UK.  one of the Mums had started to loose its petals,  so needed to do something with the entire vase of flowers.  The poinsettia is doing very well.  hoping to keep it as I did several years ago.  In the Spring I put it outside for the Summer then in the Fall brought it in and put it in complete darkness for the required number of hours and was rewarded with blossoms at Christmas time.  I did that for two years and you could almost call it a tree it became so big.  I have seen the poinsettia trees in the Caribbean.  

Was able to get quite a lot done on the quilt I am making for my youngest grand daughter, not enjoying the process, but plugging away at it.  Hope to do a lot more again today, so that I can begin another one.    My sewing room has been a blessing during the past few weeks, keeping me busy and making something that I can give to someone.  The quilts I am wanted to start are two I Spy Play Mats, bowl cozies, a growth chart quilt and one for our queen size bed.  That should keep me busy until I can get out into the garden.

2021, a New Year, do you make resolutions, I do and break them.  However, this year I am really going to try and keep the ones I make.  Mainly, walk every day, no matter what the weather, and even if I have to walk up and down our driveway if the road is too unsafe for me.   Also, I know that in the past few months I have been putting on a little extra poundage, due to the fact I am not walking every day. so my second resolution is to loose some weight.  I am not fat, but do not feel comfortable with me as I am now.   Tell me your resolutions for 2021.

1 comment:

  1. My resolutions are usually the same every year.... make more time for art and make more time for me... and for inner reflection. Exercise would be a good one for me to add as well. I'm not an "outside walker" as we live out in the county and there's really no place (of any significant length) to walk. But I do have a treadmill so perhaps I'll make more time for that. It's down the basement though so I feel like I'm in a dungeon whenever I walk down there. I've thought about bringing the treadmill upstairs (by the tv) but I have no idea where on earth I'd put it up here. We'll see... maybe a perfect spot will magically appear. :-) ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...