Monday, November 30, 2020


 We have said good bye to the sunshine for several days, now it is dull and damp.  All the outside work done just in time.

Hubby is still working on the work bench in the garage, putting on new doors and installing shelves so there is more things can be stored in the cupboard.  "Stored?"  Read "stashed".  Like me, he hates to throw anything away, for your know "you might just need it someday",  however, I must admit he has been able to throw a lot of stuff into the recycle container this past week.  I am a "keeper" in the sewing room, and I must admit I do have a stash of small pieces of fabric.  Recently made a quilt from some of those pieces, I could make several more as I still have a lot left.  Once I have finished my grand daughter's quilt, that will be my focus during the Winter months.

I did work in my sewing room quite a bit yesterday and was able to get a lot done on the Cardinal collage wall handing I am currently making.  Love the way it is looking.  Photo to follow soon.

Not much on the agenda today, have just finished giving myself a manicure, I have my own nails, none of the stick on ones for me and I don't put nail polish on  my nails either.  My hands are so busy all the time it would be of no use to spend all that money and ruin them. When my grandchildren were married I went "all out" and had them done.   Do you have your own nails?  go to a salon to have them done?

Cleaned the bathrooms and after lunch going to give the microwave a good clean.

In the coming days I am going to write my Christmas cards. I send them to relatives and friends in the U.K. and relatives and friends here in Canada that I don't see on a regular basis.  I remember years and years ago, we used to send lots of cards.  An unsealed card could be posted for just pennies.  We would send and receive dozens of them, so many in fact, we would put up a string on opposite corners of the living room ceiling and display them there.  Do you send Christmas cards?

Dinner last night was lovely, and the best part there is enough left over for dinner tonight, so we have steak, au gratin potatoes, will have to do another veg.  Dessert.  fruit in jelly I think.  We had apple blossoms and ice cream last night.

Well that's me for today. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I have my own nails and keep them very short. If I put on nail polish it's the clear variety. Like you I just do too much work to have fancy nails. Digging in the dirt outside dictates "No fancy nails allowed". *haha* Yes, I remember getting a lot of Christmas cards too and stringing them up as a Christmas decoration for the year but not anymore. I don't think it's the cost as much as it is the internet, that has put a kabosh to card sending. It's a shame. ~Andrea XOXO


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...