Thursday, November 26, 2020


 We had rain overnight and mild temps which have melted all of our snow, ready for more when it comes.  But being damp it feels colder than the actual temp of 9*C.  Can't complain, it could be worse.

Did not do much yesterday, just the normal household routine and some sewing.  Hubby is getting into a new routine, breakfast and then reading the paper.  Then doing a chore, if necessary, outside.  He is waiting now  for the ground to dry up so that he can put stakes and burlap around our shrubs to protect them from the snow and deer.  .I saw a big buck in the field across the street from us yesterday, I am sure he is looking for a mate, at they do at this time of the year.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my U. S. readers, whatever you decide to do I hope it is something to keep you, your loved ones and everyone you are in contact with safe.

My Christmas cactus is full of buds, should be out soon, just a bit early but that is OK.  I also have a dragon cactus, it is suppose to have pink flowers, no sign of any.  Also trying to get my African Violet   to bloom, any hints you can give me.

If the facility where we have our quilting meetings is still allowing us to do so, I will go to our guild meeting tonight.  We fill out a form with all of the necessary information, have our temp taken and everyone wears a mask, so feel safe going.

Dinner tonight left over pasta casserole, salad and broccoli, made a chocolate mousse dessert yesterday, two portion left, so dessert all sorted too.


  1. Still very soggy here too but the snow is mostly gone. Too early for this kind of weather! My African violets are doing well in a sunny location which they seem to like - flowers on all of them. I also fertilized them this week

    1. Hello Chris: I have moved my African Violet to a sunnier location, which I hope will entice it to put forth some flowers.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...