Thursday, November 05, 2020


Late yesterday I started a post but that was as far as it got.   Back here this morning to begin a new one and hopefully get it finished.

Yesterday was such a beautiful day, blue skies and  a high temp of 19*C.  Was outside most of the day, must take advantage of these days as they are going to be few and far between shortly.

Late Tuesday afternoon we had a load of leaves and garden waste to take to the recycle depot.   Do you know anyone who goes to a recycle depot and comes home with more than you took.  Well, if you consider me someone you know through this blog, then you DO know someone.  As I said we went to the depot and they had a huge pile of wood chips free for the taking.  So we filled the bags, ten of them with the chips.  Yesterday morning we spread them over the gardens, however, needed more to complete the job, so went back for more, only this time some bush branches had been piled in front of them, so we had to work hard to fill another ten bags.  Came home, spread them and now we have a nice neat and tidy, and I must say a good looking garden.  

In the afternoon I picked up leaves once again, as did Hubby in the next door neighbours yard, so It will likely be another trip to the recycle depot again soon.  We could put them out at the curb for pick up, however, we reuse the bags, so go and dump them ourselves.  Where you live, do you have a recycle program in place for garden waste?  I do have two compost bins, one is currently full and doing 
its" thing, and the second was emptied in the Spring, so still working on filling it.  It cannot accommodate all of the waste we have, so thankful we can take the excess to the depot.  Just wish  they would sell the compost to customers, but they don't.

 I have a hair cut appointment this afternoon, it really does not look long, however, it gets to a point where I can't get it to do what I want it to.

Hubby received a call yesterday from his work, now he is having to think about actually retiring officially, or going back to work.  I hope he decides the first option.  It is his decision but I have contributed several reasons I believe he should call it a finish.  But.......

Dinner tonight, salmon, mushrooms, rice, and salad, fruit for dessert.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm so hoping your free wood chips weren't from a diseased tree that was taken down... because if they are... well... the disease has a new home. Just keep positive thoughts and eyes open come spring. ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

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