Monday, November 09, 2020

Almost missed

I did miss posting yesterday, it was just too nice to stay inside.  We were up fairly early and started on picking up leaves, yes leaves again.  We had a full load and took it to the depot.  We had our lunch outside, it was lovely sitting in the sun while we ate.........and watched more leaves fall.   lol.  We decided, no more work for today, and the temp was in our favour, 22*C, so we got the convertible out of the garage and went for a drive with the top down.  Our local hospital system has two fund raising lotteries, one in the Spring and a second at this time of the year.  The grand prize is the choice of one of two homes or a million dollars.  Usually they have tours of the homes, however, because of, you know what, that could not happen now, all we can do is drive by and look at the interior on line.   We drove by the first home, OMG, who needs a home that big.  Not I.  On to the second home, it is all on one floor, off to a good start, however, the view from the street is two garage doors, a small alcove to the front door and a window.  No thanks.  They are both in subdivisions, the view is houses across the street and houses across the back of the property.  So close together I am sure you could hear your neighbour talking.  We like our park like setting where we are, so our choice would be the money,   But.....our ticket has to be drawn.

We must have worked hard yesterday, as we both slept in, so a late start to the day.  Hubby has a big decision to make so we discussed that in length, then lunch.    Duplicate weather today as yesterday, and yes, you guessed it, leaves and a load to the depot.   I went for my walk and the day was just about done outside, I hate these early evenings, but it is going to get worse before it get any better.

Grocery day in the morning and in the afternoon I go for the measurements and testing for my eyes ready for surgery next month.  The clinic is an hour and half drive so the whole afternoon will be taken up by that.  In Dec. the same trip for the right eye.

Tonight's dinner was Swedish meatballs in mushroom sauce, potato and salad.  Delicious if I do say so myself.  

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