Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Here today gone tomorrow

That is what I could say yesterday about the snow, as most of it melted, thank goodness,  however, now we have to pick up leaves, once again.  A never ending job.  I have been leaving my marigolds in the garden as hey are so colourful, however, after being laden down with the snow they  now need to come out, the Hosta and  Day Lilly leaves can be trimmed.   When it warms up later this week I am going to vacuum the garage, all the leaves have been blowing in and eventually get onto the kitchen door mat. 

Got our groceries during the senior hour this morning, there are more staff than customers at 7:00 a.m. which is nice as it does not very long to get what we need, only downside is the veg,. and seafood departments are not stocked.  Tuesday, is chicken day, there is a special on the BBQ chicken, so when Hubby goes to get that he usually stops and gets some salmon and any veg I was not able to get in the morning.  

Hubby has been off work since the middle of March,  (he does not need to work, he was a teacher so has a great pension and has been able to save a good amount during he working years),  due to the virus, he age and being exposed to a number of people of all walks of life.  He was not planning on retiring as he thought he would have nothing to do.  Well, he seems to enjoy reading the morning newspaper, and has been finding lots of jobs to do,  and he has indicated to me he "is retired", but not really officially with the company he works for.  I believe he is waiting until the end of the year to hand in his letter.  

We have some sunshine and clouds today, and the forecast for the balance of the week is looking absolutely fantastic, just have to get over today's clouds.

Dinner tonight, BBQ chicken, veg and salad, dessert sugar free chocolate pudding, (it is quite good).

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