Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Damp and dank

 The two words that describe today, it is also cold, I do not these days of November, too depressing and I have no energy.  But, there are things that need to be done, so plod on through the day.

So what is on the agenda for today, lets see,   I try to do a deep clean of something every day, so it will be the drawers that holds all of the cutlery,  food wraps and the dish cloths and towels.  I dont know how the cutlery drawer gets all the  bits of stuff that seem to collect in there.  The two other drawers just need to be organized a bit, then they are done. Then there is all the daily jobs that need to be done, make the bed, clean the bathrooms, lunch, dinner, dishes....... woman's work is never done!

I then need to make a block for the quilt that I did not get done yet, and also work on my collage.

Hubby is replacing the carbon monoxide detector, it started beeping this morning, not to warn us, but it indicates it needs to be replaced.  Which we have done, however, it keeps on beeping even though it has been disconnected from the power.  He is now looking for the information in his files, to see how to shut it off completely and also how we are suppose to dispose of  it.

This brings back a memory..... when my late husband was alive he had a '57 pink and white Desoto, and it was kept in the garage, he would start it during the Winter months, (never was it out in rain or snow) just to keep the fluids moving.  So when he passed I did the same thing until I sold it.  It was a late November evening cold and still. and as he used to do, I opened the garage door about two feet and started the car and let it run for about 15-20 minutes.  Turned it off, closed the door and went inside for the evening of TV watching.  After about an hour the carbon monoxide detector started blasting.  Not knowing what would be causing it and not taking any chances, I called 911 as we all have been instructed to do.  I was told to go outside and stay there until the fire department arrived.  Three fire engines, sirens going and lights flashing and  8 - 10 firemen arrived at my house.  They hooked up their fans to removed the fumes, however, unbeknownst to me they unplugged my bar fridge and everything  thawed out, ending up with water all over the place.  Apparently due to the air being so still, there was not enough air movement to removed the fumes from the garage and over time they seeped into the house through the storm and wooden doors.   Had to go and buy a new one as once one has been activated it does not work properly.  They work people, buy one and install, it saved me from becoming desperately ill or dying.  

Not sure what is for dinner tonight.


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