Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunday snow outside my window.

 It started at 6:30 a.m. this morning and the forecast is indicating it will not stop until later this evening.  It looks beautiful from the inside out, however, still not fond of it.  

Outside my window dining room today.  I took the photo at 11:45a,m, oops need to change the time on my camera.  Hubby says we have about three inches now, I see some snow removal happening in the near future. Just got all the leaves gathered up in time, any left now will hopefully be all decomposed by Spring.

Slow day today, I plan on doing some sewing, a want to start on a collage that I purchased on line.  

Dinner tonight roast beef with all the trimmings, so that we will have some left overs for tomorrow.  I get tired of thinking what to cook for our dinner, going out to a restaurant is out of the question for us right now.  Don't want to jinx our  run of avoiding the virus, for the sake of a meal that could easily be prepared at home.  Do you get in a rut trying to decide what to prepare for your meals?  Any ideas on how to perk up those lazy taste buds?

Just wrote a long e-mail to my long time friend in England, so glad we both have computers, the postage is quite expensive for snail mail.  I should start writing my Christmas cards, I do make the effort to contact all of my relatives in England, albeit only at Christmas and on their birthdays if I know that information.  There are not too many left there anymore as they are all getting elderly and the new generations that are now there I have never met, so they are strangers to me.  Photo's of new husbands and wives, children and grandchildren mean nothing.

Well that is all from me today.



  1. YES!! I get tired of trying to figure out what's for meals too. I'm 64 years old, been cooking for nearly 45 years. I'm ready to retire as well... from cooking AND laundry! Your snow is absolutely beautiful. Ours, here in northern-most Indiana, is on its way next week from what I've heard. It's that time of year... but, for right now here, we're snowless and still relatively green. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. I am 79 years old, it seems as if I have been cooking forever. The roast we had last night was lovely. The best part though, is tonight's dinner.......leftovers.

  2. There are only about ten meals Steve will eat so I cook them in rotation, but it is so boring

  3. I usually rotate meals also, but once in awhile try a new recipe, sometimes it's a keeper other times, not so much.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...