Monday, November 23, 2020

Five Inches

 When I took this photo last night it was still snowing a little bit, it was  a snow that came straight down, no wind, so I am going to say those five inches was a true amount of snow we had.

This is the amount on our patio table.

It is beautiful outside this morning, and it is melting as the temp is above zero.   All of it will be gone in a few days, high temps of 10*C  and rain mid week.   

Hubby was up and shoveled the snow off of the driveway, which is a long one I must add.  We can  easily park eight cars on it.  It is cement so an easy job to remove the snow.  

We usually have the same breakfast every day, however, on Saturday, we decided to have a big breakfast on Sundays,  Yesterday we had scrambled eggs sausage, toast and jam, orange juice and coffee. We both enjoyed it very much.  Next week I think we will be having blueberry pancakes. 

The blueberry pancakes remind me of our first vacation together.  We had only known each other for three months and he asked me, if I would like to go to British Colombia to see his brother.  I had never been there, so why not.   We travelled through the U.S. before heading to B.C.  In one of the hotels we stayed at they served the most delicious blueberry pancakes I had ever eaten.  Unfortunately I cannot remember exactly where that was.   We were gone for almost three weeks and can say we thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.  Saw and did so many things we had never seen or done before.  We had a lovely visit with his brother and SIL and travelled home through Canada.  

 Did not do much yesterday, a lazy day watching some programs we had recorded some time back,

Cooked a lovely roast beef dinner, and took out of the freezer some of the lemon poke cake I make last week.  It always increases in flavour after being in the freezer.  Hubby loves anything lemon.  

Today is an easy dinner.................leftovers.

I am going in the sewing room this afternoon.  did not get there yesterday.  I need to make a block for our guilds chemo quilt, our meeting is on Thursday.

That's all for me today.

1 comment:

  1. I love breakfast food, at any time of the day or night. I love blueberries too and always think of yogurt when I hear them talked about. Five inches of snow... that's nothing to sneeze at, for sure. Hopefully it will indeed melt before snow comes "to stay" in your neck of the woods. We still have "green" yet but I'm sure that scenario is short lived. ~Andrea xoxo


Some of it is gone

During the last week of February, we had a mixture of weather.   Cold with snow, a little warmer with rain, some welcome sunshine and back t...