Sunday, November 29, 2020

Moon and Sunshine

 And sunshine we have, the sky is a beautiful clear blue with no clouds in sight.  The moon last night was  so bright we had shadows of the trees on the lawn and it lite up the rooms on the south side of the house.  I expected it to be very cold last night with the clear sky, but it only went down do 3*C.  All this beautiful weather will come to a screeching halt tomorrow, wet snow rain mix and cold temps and we might see some sun on Wed and Thurs.

Hubby and I usually have the same thing for breakfast day in and day out, last week we decided that on Sunday we would have a different breakfast.  Sunday last, we had scrabbled eggs, sausage and toast, today, blueberry pancakes and bacon   We will have a smaller lunch on these days.

Hubby was up early, he has to take some medication once a week and cannot lay down or eat for a period of time afterwards.  After our breakfast he went out to work on the work bench in the garage.  He is putting in some shelves underneath  for more storage.

What am I up to today, as mentioned above the sun in shining, shining on my dirty windows, so they are going to get a clean, likely the last one until Spring.  I do not use any commercial cleaner, corn starch, vinegar and water, and newspaper, always have nice clean streaky free window using this.   I do not like dirty windows, glass is suppose to be looked through and that cannot be done when they are dirty.  Next, a walk is also in order for today, can't miss being outside in this weather.  When dressed appropriately it is not cold.  Then I think some work done in the sewing room is also going to be done. 

Dinner tonight, Hubby is going to cook a steak on the BBQ, veg to be determined as well as dessert.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, don't you just LOVE when the trees make shadows when the moon is full? I particularly love it when there's snow on the ground, as the shadows are much more visible that way. It's nice here too, Indiana.... according to the weatherman, the last nice day until the cold sets in tomorrow. We'll take it. :-) ~Andrea xoxo


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