Saturday, April 16, 2022

What a difference a day makes, 24 little hours

 Yesterday, was nice in the morning and then the rains and wind came.  Small branches were being  blown off the trees across the road and landing on our lawn.  Hubby had to move my car so it would not get hit with them.   Today, could not be any different if it tried.   Bright sunshine, no wind at all, however, it is not too warm.  The grass has seemed to green up overnight, if we get some warm sunshine in the coming days, it should need it's first cutting soon. 

We went to DD2 for dinner last night, her husband does a great roast of beef, so along with all of the sides including yorkshire puddings we had a lovely dinner.  Granddaughter K was not able to come home from Ottawa, however, she joined us for dinner, as she sat on the table on the computer.  We were able to talk to her just as if she was sitting with us.  This tech age is fantastic isn't it?  While she talked to us she was painting, making a birthday gift for her best friend.  She also told us her career is going to be her focus now instead of the relashionship with her boyfriend.  They are planning on going their separate ways once she finds accommodations she can afford.  Apartments are so expensive in the city she lives in, especially the ones close to the University she is attending, and scholarships don't pay much.  So it anyone knows of some reasonable apartments in our capital city, close the the two universities let me know.

She will be soon having a verbal examination in front of three Prof's to determine if she will go forward to get her PHD in September, I have no doubt she will succeed.  Good news also, her Prof. has asked her to attend a fully paid Biology research conference in Portland, Oregon, U. S. A. in July. She is so looking forward to that.   He also suggested she should set her sights to go to Europe to further her studies on research as they put more emphasis on that there than they do here. So great things are happening for her, so proud to bursting.

We also said goodbyes' to Granddaughter C  as she has been accepted in the April 29th start date group for flying.  Apparently, the class this year is large so half of the group will start on the 29th and the second group early June as they all can't fly at the same time. All of them start in early May for the class training.   Her accommodations begin May 1st, so she and DD2 will be staying in a hotel for seven days until she can move in.  Classes are for seven days a week, only Sundays off, only a week off  in August and of course holidays, so she is going to be really busy too.  Proud to bursting for her also.

Bet your tired of hearing about these two girls but, I hate to think of what they would be doing with their lives if they had not been two of the lucky ones to be chosen for adoption, so I need to brag about them.

Going to see my son and his family this afternoon, have not seen Granddaughter C and boyfriend S for a couple of years.  The rest of them it has been months.  I am sure GGD  A is growing like a weed, she will be three years next month.

Wrote more than planned, so better quit before it looks like a novel.

Have a great day.


  1. Always lovely to hear of your extensive family and their achievements. Must be wonderful to be a great-gran! I will see my grandkids tomorrow when they come here for an Easter lunch, it's our special tradition.

  2. Never stop boasting. Your grandkids have achieved amazing things. They may be adopted but it's the parenting that shows.

  3. I can't imagine not seeing a granddaughter for "a couple years". Please don't be "lazy" about hosting meals for family. It's what keeps us young and our lives full, sweetie! ~Andrea xoxoxo


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...