Thursday, April 28, 2022


Woke this morning and was greeted by the promise of a nice sunny day.  Looking outside though, everything was white,  not with snow today but frost.  The poor daffodils looked quite droopy so hope the sun does not kill them off when it starts to shine on them. The promise of a nice weekend is what I am looking forward to.

Need to get a few stiches on a quilt top before tonight's quilt meeting, so this will be short post today.

Hope you have sunshine, or if not, weather that pleases you.   You are doing something positive and feeling well.

Hugs to all.


  1. Sunny here, too, but not warm enough t sit out (I did try!). I did some gardening in a sunny spot. Enjoy your quilting meeting tonight.

  2. OH, I am having toooo much sunshine, it's killing me with heat stroke. 33 C and feels like 40 C (104 F)! I love the daffodils drooping or otherwise. Blue is my fav colour but yellow is my fav flower colour as the brightness just makes me smile. Hope the frost melts and you get a good day completing your quilt.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...