Friday, April 08, 2022

Good Morning

Friday again, where did this week go.  

One of my readers suggested I sounded low, I am just fine, thanks for your concern.

At this time of the year I want to get out and get some dirt under my fingernails and prepare the flower beds for new plants and encourage the perennials to put forth some new growth and flowers.  BUT, our weather doesn't cooperate, one day we can be in our Winter coats etc. the next day under the umbrella and again the following day in our shirt sleeves.  All the time the ground is too wet and cold.   We normally cannot get planting any of our annuals until May 24th, as that is when all risk of frost should be over.  May 24 seems a long way off when it is only April 8th.  But, if the weeks go by as fast as they have been, it should be here in no time and I will be a happy bunny.  In the meantime, I tend my indoor plants which are doing very well.  

Busy sewing yesterday, making two new covers for the cushions on our sofa, the ones that were there looked a little worse for the wear.  Sewing makes me happy, I like creating artsy fartsy stuff.  A couple of days ago I purchased a wreath form and some florist wire, going to make a wreath for my sewing room door.  When my Mother passed away, she had a lot of the old wooden spools of thread, they are currently in a drawer, so now have decided to do something with them.  The thread is too old to use, so thought this would be a good idea to display them instead of being hidden away.  When I have it made and I am satisfied with the way it looks I will post a photo.

Several years ago my son won in the lottery the Master Golf tournament does each year for people to have the opportunity to purchase tickets to attend the Masters in Atlanta.   He purchased 4 tickets for his family, however, his son was not able to go, so I was given the ticket.   At the time I was not much of a golf fan, but took the opportunity to go anyway, so pleased I did.  He has not won the lottery since, so this weekend we will all be watching it on TV and then when the lottery is opened up again later this year, we will enter with hopes to win.  

Dinner tonight, some scalloped potatoes and veg leftover from last night along with a pork chop and salad.  Dessert is a mystery at the present time, so will need to do something about that to solve it.

It does not look as if we will see any sunshine today, but I will enjoy the day just the same.

Have a great day too.


  1. The sun has just popped out after many hours of rain. Hope it stays. It is very cold and damp today.

  2. I have been raking which is all that can be done in the garden at the moment. The weeds are flourishing, though! I saw a tweet that might be about your neighbour who died - Bjarni Tryggvason. He was an astronaut, also taught at Western. He was 76.

  3. Yes, he was our next door neighbour, my Hubby and a friend of Bjarni's son found him deceased in his house, on Tuesday night. A lot of emergency vehicles out front for a few hours.

  4. I love the idea of the wreath. I want to start weaving fabric I can sew. You certainly have long winters. I am no longer quite so envious of your climate!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...