Saturday, April 02, 2022

Bright and Sunny

Nice to wake up this morning to sunshine and it lasted until early afternoon when light clouds appeared, just as the forecast had indicated.  Not very warm, only 7*C but nice just the same without the wind blowing.  

Laundry and housework done this morning.   The geraniums in the downstair foyer window now have  ten big flowers on them, they have done very well this Winter, can't wait now to get them outside, however, that will be quite a while yet.   Daffodils have buds on them, crocus and snowdrops are still blooming, so a pop of colour in the garden.  As the ground starts to warm up more growth will be seen and additional buds on more flowers.

Just made a jelly in fruit for dinner, then going to do a meatloaf,  a baked potato and broccoli will be added to round out our dinner tonight.

When I have finished writing this a walk is on the agenda, it will be for only a half an hour around the block, however, included in that walk there are small inclines which helps the leg muscles work a little more.  As the weather improves I will either lengthen the walk or do two seperate ones.   Thinking the latter might be the better option, so hoping I will eventually being a hour during the two walks.  Gardening work will be starting again soon, so with that exercise also, I hope to lose some of the few pounds I have gained over the Winter.

Going to DD2's tomorrow to take GD her kettle and we have been invited to have an Easter dinner with them on Good Friday, I believe that would be the day DD2 would be off work and just before GD moves to her apartment and then start her school year.

Well I am off to get dressed for my walk, have a great day.



  1. Ditto with your plans for walks, Pat. I like my park walk as there is a bit of a climb in the middle and I can feel my calf muscles complaining!

    1. There are several routes I can take, all with a bit of a climb. I would need to drive to a couple of parks if I needed to walk there. Maybe when the weather is better.

  2. Enjoy the walks. I, too, plan to walk more but because it's cooling down!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...