Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Upsetting news

 Yesterday was a beautiful day, bright sunshine and warm  temps, no need for a Winter jacket or boots   Whoooopppppyy.

After lunch I decided to have some retail therapy, so went and purchased myself a new coffee maker and some other odds and ends from a craft store. 

Then I went for a half hour walk and met some new neighbours in the subdivision who moved in to a new to them house before Christmas.   Then met another lady who I have met before and we had a short chat.  So the walk lasted longer than I had expected it to but, that was fine with me, talking to people and out in the sunshine is good medicine for me.   

Then at 11:30 p.m. the day turned to some news we never ever had expected.  A phone call indicated out neighbour  "B" had not responded to calls for several days could we go and check on him.  In the meantime, a friend  ("C") of the B's son was also looking around the outside of the house, and we assume he had been notified of the same.  So C and Hubby were able to get into the house and found our neighbour deceased.   He had passed a few days ago.  So police and ambulances arrived to investigate and were still there until  the coroner arrived some time during the night after we had gone to bed.

B was a Canadian astronaut several years ago and was still involved  in different programs with space. We understand from the phone call we had last night, he will be greatly missed by everyone he was involved with in these programs.   He was always coming and going  all over the country with these programs, so we did not get to speak with him often.  

Talking to DD1 last night she told me her youngest daughter D, the one with five children, had been in hospital with a broken foot, had surgery and now in a wheelchair until next week when she gets a new cast.   DD1 and  D's husband and the two oldest children have been coping with everything until D gets more mobile.  D and her husband have instilled some good work habits to all the children, who range in age from 12 to 3 years of age, so all of them, even the 3 year old all have chores they do every day.  So this has made it easier for everyone concerned.  When the four eldest, go to school and D's husband goes to work,  D can cope with the three year old as she is a really good child.

Today is not quite as sunny as yesterday and therefore, not as warm and we are expected to have showers for the next few days.

Not sure what we are having for dinner tonight, so better get my thinking cap on.

Have a great day.


  1. What an awful thing to happen (the dead neighbour, not D). I have a fear of that happening to me as I live alone. Nice to get out and walk around the neighbourhood, lots of Spring bulbs appearing.

  2. What an unpleasant experience for your husband.
    Isn't it great when families pull together.
    Hope you get warmer weather soon


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...