Saturday, April 30, 2022


Yesterday, was an OK day as far as the weather was concerned, sunny and nice. 

Had to do some errands in the morning.  It was the perfect day for working in the garden and that is what I did during the afternoon.  Picked up stray leaves and dead matter, pulled weeds, turned the soil and edged the flowerbed. Wish it would stay like that but, weeds grow no matter what the weather or soil.  

We had a lovely salmon dinner made by me. 

My body needed a rest today, I say rest, their is no rest for the wicked.  Laundry, washed kitchen floor and then decided to give my sewing studio a good clean and re-arranged it.  Getting rid of a couple of things to new homes, so something was accomplished.   Ran out of git up and go, so will finish it tomorrow.  We are forecast rain, so a good day in to do the rest of the work in there.

Stuffed pork loin, cauliflower au gratin and salad of dinner.

Youngest grand daughter went to the city where she is going to college for flight training.  She had to start yesterday, I suspect it was an orientation day, and then begins the course on Monday.  She cannot get into her apartment until May 7, so her Mum and her are in a hotel room.  Mum was bored after one day, seven is going to feel like an eternity. 

Now just chilling, chatting with  my bloggers.

Have a great evening, if you are just starting your Sunday, have a great day.

Thursday, April 28, 2022


Woke this morning and was greeted by the promise of a nice sunny day.  Looking outside though, everything was white,  not with snow today but frost.  The poor daffodils looked quite droopy so hope the sun does not kill them off when it starts to shine on them. The promise of a nice weekend is what I am looking forward to.

Need to get a few stiches on a quilt top before tonight's quilt meeting, so this will be short post today.

Hope you have sunshine, or if not, weather that pleases you.   You are doing something positive and feeling well.

Hugs to all.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Wed....where did Mon and Tues. go.

 Where have the days gone, they just flew by and I have not visited my blog friends.  I am back now.

Last evening I went out with DD1, for dinner, oh my goodness, the prices sure have gone up and servings are so much smaller since I was last at this restaurant we used to go to two years ago.  It was still great to have a meal prepared, served and cleaned up by someone else.  We then made our way to the theatre, showing ID, proof of vaccinations and wearing our masks which was mandatory.  The play "Grow" was about Amish life, and two young women leaving the Amish community to go and experience life outside of theirs in the community.   One of the women was a excellent gardener, and eventually they met up with a crowd of people who were into the "funny weed", the gardener was hired to grow the plants as a young man of questionable character, was not having any luck doing it.  After a lot of problems, one girl decided to return to the Amish way of life, the gardener decided to grow the "weed" in a legal growing operation.

I quite enjoyed it, was not expecting it to be as entertaining as it was.   So a good time was had by all.

Today, we had snow, a cold bitter North wind, temp is suppose to go down to -5*C tonight, what's that all about.  On Sunday we were in our shirt sleeves, today bundled up in Winter gear ..AGAIN.  I am so tired of the cold but, I bet, when it warms up it will be so hot we will be complaining about that.  No, not me give me warmth.

Went out to lunch with a friend I have know for years, it was so nice to catch up with her comings and goings, and she mine.  We were lucky the restaurant did not kick us out as we were there a lot longer than a normal lunch takes...Two hours and 15 minutes we sat.

Tomorrow evening is my quilting guild meeting.  Looking forward to that as we are going on a field trip to a new fabric shop.   $$$ in my pocket.

Hubby started to cut our lawn yesterday, but something punctured a tire, so that put an end to that.   Too cold to even consider doing more today after the tire was put back on after being repaired.

Evening, time for some mindless TV watching.


Sunday, April 24, 2022

Venturing out

This coming week I am doing something I have not done for two years, go to the theater. 

In the past I have gone to our local theater to see a season of performances with friends.  On Friday I received the information regarding the upcoming season of 22/23. We are looking at some of the plays on the schedule and possibly go to some of them, not necessarily the entire season as some of the performances do not look too interesting.

 On the same subject, DD1 purchased two tickets for one play on Tuesday, which is being presented during the next  week.  Her husband decided he did not want to go, so I am going in his place.   We are going out for dinner first.  All of the precautions are being enforced, showing proof of shots and masking so feel quite safe, so wish me luck  Whooppppyyyy.

A friend also wants to go out for lunch and have a good natter, so that is in the planning stages also.

On Thursday, is my quilting guild meeting..

What a social butterfly I am!!

Feeling great just thinking about it all.

The sun is shining, and the temp is climbing up, a lunch on the patio sounds like a good idea to me.

I should also clean the inside of my car, is has not been done all Winter and is looking disgusting even though it has not moved much during the past few months.  

No gardening today, still feeling the effects of  the work done a couple of days ago.

Things are showing signs of life, shrubs are putting forth their leaves, we have a cardinal making a nest in a shrub near the balcony, the grass is getting greener and longer and the air feels different no bite to the wind.  Do you think Spring is finally here?  I sure hope so it is taking long enough.

Hubby is making sure the lawn tractor is ready for the season and he cleaned the garage yesterday.

Dinner tonight Chinese food.

That car is calling my name, so must leave.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Computer says "No"

 I am able to get myself around the "web" and my computer most times.  Not the best, but adequate knowledge of what to do and when.   However, it appears the government and other organizations that have some of your personal information, make it as hard as possible.

 Today I am trying to get on the web site for the health coverage I am enrolled in.  As my past dentist submitted all of my claims electronically, I have had no need of using the paper form to be reimbursed for any and all treatments.   Now the problem is, I have no forms to use to record the information for the first visit I had to my new dentist.   It has been a long time since on was last on this site, so I have forgotten my password info, so I changed it.  Computer says "no".  Tried several times, same answer, so will need to make a phone call on Monday.  I feel so useless sometimes.

Laundry and housework today and now its all done.

Some of my muscles are crying louder today that they have been, a result of all the bending, stretching and lifting.  No gardening work for me today, even though there is still a bit more to do.  It will still be there tomorrow or even the next day.  Can't do much else out there other than tidy up, too early for planting anything.  The back garden is looking better now all the leaves are picked up, in the Autumn I will put some daffodils back there as it looks quite bare at this time of the year and they will add some colour to it.

We must have had a good rain overnight as there were puddles on the driveway, now it is sunny, however, there is a brisk breeze which is making it feel cooler.   I do have several windows open, but now notice the sun has gone from the back of the house, and the breeze does feel a bit fresh.   It is nice to get some new air into the house without the furnace clicking in.   The humidifier is still being used, that should be coming to an end once the heat is no longer needed.

My 24 yr old granddaughter is into politics and is working for one of the candidates in the city where she lives, and he asked her to help him in a press release yesterday.    He is promoting green spaces and less parking lots, less carbon gas etc. etc. in the area which is in his riding and of course the rest of the country.   She spoke on the work she is doing to help keep plants growing and producing food for the populations of the world amongst all of the carbon emissions and all of the land that is being taken over by housing, streets and parking lots.  She did a great job, however, the wind played havoc with the microphones when they were speaking.   

Tomorrow is the start of a run of birthdays in my family,  five all within the next ten days and then my sister and son later in the month.  

Lost all of my ambition now, so will take something out of the freezer for dinner decide what else we will have and then go into the sewing studio and continue organizing my small pieces of fabric into colours.  It is currently in a bit of a mess with blues and yellows and all of the other colours mixed in together which results in me not being able to find anything.   It is going to be a long process.

Better get a move on.  


Friday, April 22, 2022

Dentist & Gardening

 Needed a second visit to the dentist today, to remove an old filling and put in a new one.  A quick visit, however, my lips were frozen for some time afterwards so needed to make sure I did not bite my tongue while eating my lunch.

It was a beautiful day, so decided to start cleaning the leaves from the flower beds.  Filled up seven garden waste paper bags with leaves that have blown over from a neighbors back garden.  This lady never clean up her leaves from the two oak trees she has, and as these leaves take a long time to decompose I try and rake up as many as I can.  I use our maple tree leaves as compost as they are faster to decompose.   I worked for almost three hours, I am sure I will know tomorrow that I worked that long.  I never learn to pace myself,  if one end of the garden looks good and the other not so much, I have to finish the work no matter how long it takes.   Everything is starting to grow, it is so amazing how fast plants start peaking out of the ground after some rain and sunshine.   Violets, primula and daffodils are putting on a nice showing at the present time.    'When we got our groceries earlier this week I did notice, the fencing for the garden center is being erected, so by the end of the month I am sure everything will be stocked in the enclosure.

Dinner tonight, salmon with tarter sauce, baked potato with sour cream, broccoli and some left over squash that was in the fridge.   Lemon pie for dessert.

Writing this late tonight, so  will sign off as it is time to wind down a bit before bed.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Mother nature make up your mind.

Woke to dreary dark clouds and rain, lots of rain and not too warm either.  By early afternoon I shed my coat as the sun was shining and temp up to 17*C.  A different day altogether.  A fickly Mother she is.

If this type of weather keeps up Hubby will need to cut the lawn soon.  The daffodils perked up after being laid down flat by the snow earlier this week.  Thank goodness they are so hardy.

Went to a new dental clinic today, had to have a full examination done for their files plus cleaning, etc etc. and my Visa took a kicking, so glad I get most of it back from my health coverage.   Have another appointment tomorrow for the replacement of a filling but, other than that my teeth are in great shape.

Not much else happing around her today, to be honest I have been downright lazy so far, so I guess I might just as well continue in the same vein and finish the day the same way.


Wednesday, April 20, 2022


Yesterday, we both had an appointment with our eye surgeon and everything is good.

 The fabric shop next door to the clinic had a sale, so some retail therapy took place and then we had our lunch.

Next stop was to visit Hubby's sister, we have not seen her for several months due to Covid, so it was nice that both she and Hubby were able to comfort each other over the death of their brother.  There was no service or anything where this could happen so there was no closure for them, other than this visit.  We stayed longer than we had anticipated, so it was late when we arrived home.  Thank goodness for leftovers in the fridge, as that is what we had for our dinner.  It was good too.

Today,  we have bright blue skies and sunshine a big change from yesterday when we had a record breaking snow fall of 2 inches.  Most of it has now melted as the ground is quite warm and the sun has a lot of heat in it also.  What remains will be gone tomorrow as we are predicted rain.

Groceries this morning, I can't believe how much our bill is these days, how some people on a low income cope must be very difficult.  We give to the food bank on a regular basis, so we try to help those who are in need in that way.

No much else going on here today.  Tomorrow we have another full day of appointments, go to the  accountant to sign the return, I then have a dental appointment and Hubby has an appointment to get new frames and reading glasses.  It seems as if all of these appointments come at the same time. I am thankful that we have them to go to, and we are able to do it ourselves.

So on that note, have a great day.


Monday, April 18, 2022

A day of rest

 I have been on the go for three days and now a day of rest, as we have an eye appointment tomorrow, which entails an hour and a half ride there and the same back again.   We will also drop in to Hubby's sister for a visit as she lives near to where we need to go.  So Tuesday will be a full day.  

Hoping my daffodils will survive the weather we are predicted for today and tomorrow,  ....SNOW about 4 - 8 cm of it.  However, it all depends where the clouds will be to dump that greater amount.  It will not last long as next weekend temps into the high teens.  See saw weather for sure, hope it starts to settle down soon.

Did not sleep well last night, things going on in my mind regarding an incident with Hubby's granddaughter and myself.  She is a highly functioning autistic girl but,   ................enough said.  It just put a damper on the entire evening, but I needed to say something, which I did.  

Not much on the agenda today.

Have a lovely Easter Monday.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

It's Easter not Christmas

 Why do I say that.......because this morning we woke to snow, everything covered in a heavy dusting of snow.  The sun is now out and is strong enough to be melting it, so hoping it will be all gone in a couple of hours.

We had a lovely visit with my son B's family yesterday at Grandson C, his wife J and their daughter A.'s new to them house.  DIL J is OK, she still is on antibiotics and now has a date for her appendix surgery.  Also there was granddaughter C and her partner  S.  C & J's house is very nice, it's only four years old, so quite modern, but the houses in the subdivision are so close together, not much privacy even though there are fences separating each back garden.  I like the open spaces we have.  They have always lived close to their neighbours, so nothing different for them.

A will be three years old early next month and a very verbal child, being an only child (so far) and going to daycare I am sure helps.  She loves books, a good start for conversations, which she is very good at.

It was so nice to visit with all of them, but as all visits they come to an end much to soon.  Having a lot of hugs this weekend from family members certainly helped me.  Hoping it won't be as long as previously before I get some more.  Hubby's family is coming for dinner today, ham already cooked and sliced, hash brown potato casserole, no potatoes to peel or mash, veg are easy and the rolls are from the grocery store bake shop.   Dessert purchased cheese cake and lemon meringue pie.   I am getting very lazy when it comes to preparing a meal for a large number of people.  Hubby helps, but not his family.  It is almost got to the point where someone needs to do the prep and cleanup.

This coming week is going to be busy for us as it is going to be full of appointments, not that we are ill, but just that they have all come up in one week.

Today is going to be the third day of visiting with family and it has been a lovely two days so far and today will be also.  So nice to be able to actually talk to family face to face.

Have a wonderful Easter Sunday, so matter what your plans are.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

What a difference a day makes, 24 little hours

 Yesterday, was nice in the morning and then the rains and wind came.  Small branches were being  blown off the trees across the road and landing on our lawn.  Hubby had to move my car so it would not get hit with them.   Today, could not be any different if it tried.   Bright sunshine, no wind at all, however, it is not too warm.  The grass has seemed to green up overnight, if we get some warm sunshine in the coming days, it should need it's first cutting soon. 

We went to DD2 for dinner last night, her husband does a great roast of beef, so along with all of the sides including yorkshire puddings we had a lovely dinner.  Granddaughter K was not able to come home from Ottawa, however, she joined us for dinner, as she sat on the table on the computer.  We were able to talk to her just as if she was sitting with us.  This tech age is fantastic isn't it?  While she talked to us she was painting, making a birthday gift for her best friend.  She also told us her career is going to be her focus now instead of the relashionship with her boyfriend.  They are planning on going their separate ways once she finds accommodations she can afford.  Apartments are so expensive in the city she lives in, especially the ones close to the University she is attending, and scholarships don't pay much.  So it anyone knows of some reasonable apartments in our capital city, close the the two universities let me know.

She will be soon having a verbal examination in front of three Prof's to determine if she will go forward to get her PHD in September, I have no doubt she will succeed.  Good news also, her Prof. has asked her to attend a fully paid Biology research conference in Portland, Oregon, U. S. A. in July. She is so looking forward to that.   He also suggested she should set her sights to go to Europe to further her studies on research as they put more emphasis on that there than they do here. So great things are happening for her, so proud to bursting.

We also said goodbyes' to Granddaughter C  as she has been accepted in the April 29th start date group for flying.  Apparently, the class this year is large so half of the group will start on the 29th and the second group early June as they all can't fly at the same time. All of them start in early May for the class training.   Her accommodations begin May 1st, so she and DD2 will be staying in a hotel for seven days until she can move in.  Classes are for seven days a week, only Sundays off, only a week off  in August and of course holidays, so she is going to be really busy too.  Proud to bursting for her also.

Bet your tired of hearing about these two girls but, I hate to think of what they would be doing with their lives if they had not been two of the lucky ones to be chosen for adoption, so I need to brag about them.

Going to see my son and his family this afternoon, have not seen Granddaughter C and boyfriend S for a couple of years.  The rest of them it has been months.  I am sure GGD  A is growing like a weed, she will be three years next month.

Wrote more than planned, so better quit before it looks like a novel.

Have a great day.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Easter Bunny time

 We have a nice bright sunny day with a few dark clouds lingering on the horizon, hoping they do not contain anything to spoil the day.  

Remembering the Easter sundays when my children were young.  They always had a new outfit, which included dress, coat and hat for my two girls and pants, shirt, coat and hat for my son.  We did not go to church but, back then even if you didn't a new outfit was always purchased.  An Easter basket that was set out on Saturday night, always greeted them when they woke, now full of chocolate, skipping ropes and a kite.  They are the only things I can remember them getting.  Then we would visit both sets of Grandparents, getting more goodies and they were on a sugar high for a little while.  Each year we would alternate having dinner with one set of GP's and the next year the other.  (Have no idea what happened here).

When the Grandchildren were small, they would visit us on Easter Sunday, one year I placed small foil covered eggs in the garden,  the sun came out and it got quite warm, they ended up with a squishy mess that needed to be placed in the freezer before they could be eaten, even then it was not an ideal solution, as the foil was all though the chocolate, most of which was on their faces.  Parents were not too impressed.  Soap and water solved the problem.   Another year when they were a bit older, I bought straw hats from the Dollar store, along with some ribbons and silk flowers and they made their own Easter bonnets, it kept them busy for a long time and then we had a fashion show.  The Grandson was not too impressed with the idea though.

Oh! how I miss those day.    😢 

Not much planned for day other than dinner with my DD2 and family, saying goodbye to C as she embarks on a new adventure for her flight training.

No dinner to prepare tonight, I understand we are having roast beef with all the trimmings, sounds great.  

Have a great day.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Blown away

It sure is breezy today.  Woke to dull clouds and rain, and the wind blew all of that weather away and we now have lovely blue skies.  Not as warm as it has been, but nice just the same.  Later today and tomorrow we are forecast the tail end of some of the awful weather the U.S.  is having.  So, rain and windy conditions are on their way.

Had to pick up some odds and ends for the weekend, a lot of other people must have been thinking the same thing, as it was quite busy.  Picked up birthday cards for four great grands birthdays all within the next two weeks.   I already have one for my granddaughter in law, as her B-day is coming up the early in May.  

Hubby had a surgery done at the Dr's office this morning, ended up with six stitches in the back of his neck.   He's is OK.

Not much planned for the rest of the day, other than the regular things that need to be done.

Dinner tonight is pretty much taken care of as it is leftovers' from last night plus some extra veg.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Sunshine all day, so this babe was not staying in the house.   I started by having our picnic lunch outside on the patio.  After we had finished eating, the son "M" of "B" our next door neighbour who died last week , came over to thank Hubby for his help in locating his father's body.  He obviously wanted to talk, as he stay for an hour or more, during which time we were able to learn a lot about his Dad, things we did not know.   

Then I decided to get started on some cleaning up in the garden by removing the leaves that had blown from our neighbours yard, she never picks them up.   Lots of growth needed to be uncovered, worked for two hours then it was time for me to call it a day.  Did not want to over do it for the first time this Spring.   Daffodils are in full bloom and primroses are putting forth more blooms as well.  The grass is greening up, it's amazing how some heat from the sunshine can make things grow almost before your eyes.   Thankfully, this morning I did not have any problems with aching muscles.   I did, however, got sunburst so now have a farmers tan on my arms.   I want to get as much as I can in the garden, before the black flies start to come around.  They bite me and I have huge welts, note to self, make sure you have antihistamine in the medicine cabinet.

Today, we woke to wet ground, and at time of writing this, the weather cannot make u it's mind, big drops of rain one minute and some sun the next.  It is very mild, so I am not complaining.   Rain is forecast for later this afternoon.  I am not outside gardening today, as I plan on not over doing it and making myself unable to do anything.  There is still a lot of work to be done, but there is always tomorrow, and that it what I am planning on doing.

Need to pick up some odds and ends for this weekend's company, so will do that tomorrow.   We have been debating on whether we should have meetings with family but, we have met them all during the past couple of weeks on other occasions, so we think we will be OK,  everyone has had their shots,  so keeping fingers crossed.  

Hubby is pottering, cleaning out the birdhouses for the next tennents coming in soon, housework done for me and now will go and do some work in the sewing room.   As promised this is a photo of the spool wreath I have just finished making.  The spools of thread are all the old wooden ones that were in the sewing basket my Mother used.  The thread is not usable so thought this would be a great way for me to see them every time I go into the sewing studio, instead of them being in a drawer.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Spring has Sprung

It certainly feels like it this morning, beautiful blue sky with not a cloud in sight.  No wind so a beautiful Spring morning it is.  I have daffodils and  primroses blooming in the garden, the buds on the Lenten  Rose are almost ready to burst open.  So guess where I am going to be this afternoon, the dusting and cleaning will be done tomorrow when we have been forecast rain.

Groceries this morning, the shelves in many departments are beginning to look bare.  No chickens again today, we have farms being culled of the fowl due to the Avian Flu.  The cereal aisle is getting less and less every week.  Even the veg department had a sign which indicated store was having problems getting the veg.  Some of the prepared packages of rice and pasta were empty, but must note, these items were on special this week.  Some of the dairy products were not there either.  To top it all off the bill was higher than it normally is, however, I did get a couple of items that put the tab up a little.  We feel so sorry for those people who are on a low income, as wonder how they cope with the rising prices.   Lots of families asre having to go to the food banks to get food to last until the next pay cheque comes in.  Very thankful we have no issues regarding that, and we are able to contribute to the food bank.

Finished my wreath for my sewing room door, will take a photo and post it either later today or if not tomorrow.

No sure what we will have for dinner tonight.

So now it is lunch time and then I am outside for the rest of the day, or until I feel I cannot do any more.

Sunday, April 10, 2022


Yes, wishing it would warm up, yesterday we woke to a dusting of snow and throughout the morning large flakes were being blown around, thank goodness the ground is warming up and it did not stay.  The balance of the day was  cold and damp.   Today, it is brighter with a mix of sun and cloud, but Hubby still put on his Winter coat when he went out.  Later this week the temps are predicted to be in the low teens, fingers crossed this will be so.

Yesterday, I was lazy, just did the basics around the house, started making the wreath for my sewing room and then we watched the Masters.  Everyone was bundled up in hoodies and long pants, quite different weather compared to when I was there with my son and his family.  That year it was very hot, I even drank cold beer, which I usually don't drink.  We also had their famous pimento cheese sandwich which was OK, don't think I would bother again.  But, had to do it, it's tradition, back then it was, not sure if it is this year.  I wonder if they still have the phone booths, which allowed you to call anywhere in the world  They really can't be described as being a booth, as all they were, was phones under small roofs.  I called by daughter, her response was "what is wrong, why are you calling"., then I explained.

Today, I best get my rear in gear and do more than yesterday, however, we do intend to watch the Masters final day.  

So with that I am on the move.

Have a great day.  

Friday, April 08, 2022

Good Morning

Friday again, where did this week go.  

One of my readers suggested I sounded low, I am just fine, thanks for your concern.

At this time of the year I want to get out and get some dirt under my fingernails and prepare the flower beds for new plants and encourage the perennials to put forth some new growth and flowers.  BUT, our weather doesn't cooperate, one day we can be in our Winter coats etc. the next day under the umbrella and again the following day in our shirt sleeves.  All the time the ground is too wet and cold.   We normally cannot get planting any of our annuals until May 24th, as that is when all risk of frost should be over.  May 24 seems a long way off when it is only April 8th.  But, if the weeks go by as fast as they have been, it should be here in no time and I will be a happy bunny.  In the meantime, I tend my indoor plants which are doing very well.  

Busy sewing yesterday, making two new covers for the cushions on our sofa, the ones that were there looked a little worse for the wear.  Sewing makes me happy, I like creating artsy fartsy stuff.  A couple of days ago I purchased a wreath form and some florist wire, going to make a wreath for my sewing room door.  When my Mother passed away, she had a lot of the old wooden spools of thread, they are currently in a drawer, so now have decided to do something with them.  The thread is too old to use, so thought this would be a good idea to display them instead of being hidden away.  When I have it made and I am satisfied with the way it looks I will post a photo.

Several years ago my son won in the lottery the Master Golf tournament does each year for people to have the opportunity to purchase tickets to attend the Masters in Atlanta.   He purchased 4 tickets for his family, however, his son was not able to go, so I was given the ticket.   At the time I was not much of a golf fan, but took the opportunity to go anyway, so pleased I did.  He has not won the lottery since, so this weekend we will all be watching it on TV and then when the lottery is opened up again later this year, we will enter with hopes to win.  

Dinner tonight, some scalloped potatoes and veg leftover from last night along with a pork chop and salad.  Dessert is a mystery at the present time, so will need to do something about that to solve it.

It does not look as if we will see any sunshine today, but I will enjoy the day just the same.

Have a great day too.

Thursday, April 07, 2022

A little tardy

Yep, I am very late in posting today, the reason?    .....  no reason really, just one of those days.

I did go for a walk again this morning, I feel so much better once the blood gets moving, it was a decent day too.   Mixture of sun and cloud, not very warm but, no rain which was a plus.  

The birds were singing this morning and we have a family of sparrows building a nest in one of our boxes.  It is suppose to be for the wrens, however, they have made the hole larger so they can get in.  It will need to be repaired once they are finished with it, so the wrens can have it back.

Chatted with my DIL this morning,  she still has the drainage tube in and will have CAT scan next week to see if it can be removed and then hopefully get surgery scheduled.

It appears that we will have a busy Easter weekend. I can't believe it, people will be visiting and we will be visiting.  Going for dinner \with DD2 on Friday, son and family visiting on Saturday and cooking dinner on Sunday, Monday a day of rest.

Did some sewing this afternoon, made a cushion cover for one on our sofa.  Have one more I want to do, but didn't have time today.

Need to get my haircut also, must make an appointment tomorrow.

Going to watch some mindless TV.


Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Upsetting news

 Yesterday was a beautiful day, bright sunshine and warm  temps, no need for a Winter jacket or boots   Whoooopppppyy.

After lunch I decided to have some retail therapy, so went and purchased myself a new coffee maker and some other odds and ends from a craft store. 

Then I went for a half hour walk and met some new neighbours in the subdivision who moved in to a new to them house before Christmas.   Then met another lady who I have met before and we had a short chat.  So the walk lasted longer than I had expected it to but, that was fine with me, talking to people and out in the sunshine is good medicine for me.   

Then at 11:30 p.m. the day turned to some news we never ever had expected.  A phone call indicated out neighbour  "B" had not responded to calls for several days could we go and check on him.  In the meantime, a friend  ("C") of the B's son was also looking around the outside of the house, and we assume he had been notified of the same.  So C and Hubby were able to get into the house and found our neighbour deceased.   He had passed a few days ago.  So police and ambulances arrived to investigate and were still there until  the coroner arrived some time during the night after we had gone to bed.

B was a Canadian astronaut several years ago and was still involved  in different programs with space. We understand from the phone call we had last night, he will be greatly missed by everyone he was involved with in these programs.   He was always coming and going  all over the country with these programs, so we did not get to speak with him often.  

Talking to DD1 last night she told me her youngest daughter D, the one with five children, had been in hospital with a broken foot, had surgery and now in a wheelchair until next week when she gets a new cast.   DD1 and  D's husband and the two oldest children have been coping with everything until D gets more mobile.  D and her husband have instilled some good work habits to all the children, who range in age from 12 to 3 years of age, so all of them, even the 3 year old all have chores they do every day.  So this has made it easier for everyone concerned.  When the four eldest, go to school and D's husband goes to work,  D can cope with the three year old as she is a really good child.

Today is not quite as sunny as yesterday and therefore, not as warm and we are expected to have showers for the next few days.

Not sure what we are having for dinner tonight, so better get my thinking cap on.

Have a great day.

Better morning

The sun is shining, the nip has gone from the air, birds are singing and my plants in the garden are growing.  There is even a house fly in the window as I write.   A better morning all around.

Groceries this morning, no chickens today, I suspect the reason might be due to all the fowl that has had to be culled due to an outbreak of Avian flu in several of the farms in the area.   Don't know what the KFC  will do now.  That will not bother me too much as I find his chicken to be so greasy and salty and we don't do either.  There was not much salad stuff available either and the cereal aisle was still void of some varieties. 

I had my daughter purchase something of Amazon, it arrived yesterday just as they said it would, but not happy with the product, so I am sending it back for a refund.   Still like to go into a store and feel and hold what I am buying.   So that is what I will do, not going to bother with order on line again.  Years ago, we would have the Sears and Eatons catalogue to order from, did get a few things from them too, but that was a long time ago.  At Christmas time they would distribute a "Wish Book" for Christmas gifts.  My children would leaf through the toy section until the pages were so dog eared you could hardly read them.  Items would be circled  or  put on a list for Santa.   The good old days.  Now the grands and great grands what things that I have no idea what they are or even what they are used for.

For one reason or another I did not get this published, here it is today.


Monday, April 04, 2022


There was a white frost this morning and it took quite a long time to melt.   Clouds and light showers and colder for the rest of the day.

Housework and some sewing done, not much else.  I am becoming a lazy toad, my excuse, resting up for when I can get out into the garden, going to need a lot of energy for that.   

Had planned on a walk but the cold and wet was my reason to forget it today.

Amazon is fantastic.  My DD2 ordered me something yesterday at 5:30 p.m. and it arrived at my door at 6:00 p.m. today.   Hubby said it's a good thing we don't visit her too often or we would be having parcels delivered every day.   I am going to get myself on Amazon as I need to purchase some books for several great grand's birthdays which are coming up.  They are expensive in the book stores and looking on Amazon they are so much cheaper.   Just to make myself clear, this is not a promotion for Amazon, just my view from the purchase yesterday.

Granddaughter C showed us her uniform for her pilot training which will be starting in May, Oh my, she is going to look so smart.  Granddaughter K, reported her plants in the lab are going well this time, the soil was not sterilized the first time and the seeds did not survive.  She will soon be able to extract the DNA and start working on that experiment.

Dinner tonight was leftover meat loaf which we were to have last night, but we went out for dinner last night instead. 

Good night.


Sunday, April 03, 2022

Sunday will be quiet

 Here we are Sunday once again, another week gone and now into April.  Looking forward to better weather, having just wrote that, we did wake this morning to a dusting of snow, which has now all melted.  Not very warm, cloudy with the possibility of additional moisture which could be snow or rain depending on where the temp ends up.  

The squirrel is still busy adding leaves to her nest, which will have babies in it not to long from now.  Hope this one does not get destroyed by the weather as the others she tried to make, must give her some credit for perservering to get it made.

There were a lot of feathers on the lawn yesterday, so we assume a bird was caught by a hawk, which we have had visit us several times over the years.

Will go into the sewing studio for an hour later, not much else on the agenda, except visit DD2 and family this afternoon.

Dinner will be left overs from last night, so do not need to make anything tonight except for some veg.

So that's me for today. 

Have a great day, no matter what your plans are.

Saturday, April 02, 2022

Bright and Sunny

Nice to wake up this morning to sunshine and it lasted until early afternoon when light clouds appeared, just as the forecast had indicated.  Not very warm, only 7*C but nice just the same without the wind blowing.  

Laundry and housework done this morning.   The geraniums in the downstair foyer window now have  ten big flowers on them, they have done very well this Winter, can't wait now to get them outside, however, that will be quite a while yet.   Daffodils have buds on them, crocus and snowdrops are still blooming, so a pop of colour in the garden.  As the ground starts to warm up more growth will be seen and additional buds on more flowers.

Just made a jelly in fruit for dinner, then going to do a meatloaf,  a baked potato and broccoli will be added to round out our dinner tonight.

When I have finished writing this a walk is on the agenda, it will be for only a half an hour around the block, however, included in that walk there are small inclines which helps the leg muscles work a little more.  As the weather improves I will either lengthen the walk or do two seperate ones.   Thinking the latter might be the better option, so hoping I will eventually being a hour during the two walks.  Gardening work will be starting again soon, so with that exercise also, I hope to lose some of the few pounds I have gained over the Winter.

Going to DD2's tomorrow to take GD her kettle and we have been invited to have an Easter dinner with them on Good Friday, I believe that would be the day DD2 would be off work and just before GD moves to her apartment and then start her school year.

Well I am off to get dressed for my walk, have a great day.


Friday, April 01, 2022

Mother Nature's April Fool

Yes, she did it again, we woke to snow, not much but snow just the same.  

April 1st.

Birthstone: Diamond.

She who from April dates her years,

Diamond should wear, lest bitter tears,

For vain repentance flow; this stone,

Emblem of innocence is known. 


From my birthday book at the beginning of each month there is a page with this information on it.  Nice little verses you don't hear, see or read these days.

Purchased a kettle for my granddaughter C yesterday during a retail therapy trip to the stores.  Nothing else very exciting in my bag, only some make up removal pads, vitamins, grapes and blueberries.  Last of the big spenders, am I not?   I am not really in need of anything, although some new undies should be on my shopping list soon, for myself and for Hubby also.  

Pleased to see the majority of people still wearing masks, as I was, even though the mandate has been lifted.   We have been monitoring ourselves for ten days now, nothing to indicate we have Covid, so I am pleased to say we are clear.

We had home made chinese food for dinner last night and I made enough for us to have again tonight.  Will add some more chicken and mushrooms, along with some white rice this time, dinner all made.

Moving I must, have a great day.

Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...