Thursday, December 31, 2020

The End

In the past I have done a lot of reading, in the Summertime underneath a shady tree when it is too hot to do anything else.  In the Winter, curled up in a nice comfy chair with a quilt and a cup of tea.  Recently I have not been reading books, I like turning the pages, not looking at a screen. The libraries were closed for some time,  then the busy gardening season started, oh!! so many excuses.  

The reason I am talking about books is because 2020 has been similar to a book, one chapter worse than the previous.  The the book opens as normal, the second chapter changed, lives were turned upside down by a mysterious virus.  On going paragraphs ran into chapters which told of so many terrible stories that seem could only be wrote in a si fi movie. As the story progresses through the Summer, the words indicate a lull in the horror, only to have the beast rear it's ugly head when the cold weather grippes the northern hemisphere.  

The story now takes on a grim turn, everything made worse by people disobeying the rules, the doctors and nurses trying to help those who are sick, hospitals are full of ill people,  store owners hoping to be able to keep they businesses even if very few people are able to access their establishment.  And so it continues.  

Then as all good stories end there is a bright spot on the horizon the "good guys" come riding over the hill to save those in peril.  On their horses they carry boxes, many boxes filled with a life saving potion.  This miracle liquid is now being administered to people, in hopes of many lives being saved. 

The final chapter is now the only one left to be read  and there looks as if there is a hole at the end of the tunnel, even though it is a very long tunnel.  

The final sentences of this book have yet to be written, but my hope is, when we get to "The End" it is a happy ending and volume two of this saga, begins with 2021, looking more promising than 2020 which will be coming to an end tonight.

On that note I will Wish all who visit my blog, a very Happy New Year.  hoping it is Happier that 20020


Wednesday, December 30, 2020


 I know, I should be hunkered down, but I did it the correct way, mask, hand sanitizer and social distancing. 

My first stop was at my youngest daughter's, for two things to take care of there, one to give grand daughter her birthday card.  Her birthday is on Jan. 25, however, she will be in Ottawa then, so tucked in a little cheque for her 23rd.   Second, one of the members of the guild I belong to offered me so fabric, so we arranged to meet half way, which was my daughters house.  Two birds with one stone.

Second stop was at the bank to get some money, again all the proper precautions were taken and enforced by a staff member at the door.

Third stop, to pick up a quilt another member quilted for me, thus the reason for the money.

All done and on our way home, but  stopped for fuel, the price was good.

Yesterday, I put my turkey bones in a pot and today I made a big batch of turkey soup, it smells delicious.  Lunches for a few days taken care of.  Do you make soup from your turkey carcass?  I just cant throw all that good stuff in the garbage.

We had a dusting of snow over night which changed to rain, which came down hard at times, throughout the day.  Mild temp up to 6*C but it certainly did not feel like that it was bone chilling when outside.

Dinner tonight was BBQ ribs, potato wedges, asparagus and dessert lemon meringue pudding with a shortbread cookie.

That is me for today.  

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Face Time

 Five of my great grands waited until yesterday to open their gift from me, their Mum set up a time on Face Time.  They range in age from 10 years to 18 months, so it was a noisy visit.   I do not give toys, that is Santa job,  as they are always growing and in need of clothes, that is what I give them.  The 10 year old was very pleased with his shirt, but the 4 1.2 year old is always such a pleasure to see.  Cian, love clothes, he was stripping off the ones he was wearing and putting on the new ones I gave him.  Once on, he started to model them, insisting he be the only one in the frame.  Such a sweet heart.  Happy they were pleased with everything.  The family also received a gift card for a restaurant so that they could have a takeout or delivered meal.  

 We have much welcomed sunshine today, I am sitting in my living room being warmed by the rays coming in the window.  We had a light dusting of snow overnight, so everything has a twinkle from the sun.   I might just sit here until the sun moved away from my chair. 

Dont know what happened here,  Blogger sometimes has a mind of its own I think, or it could be something I did, No not me.   ha ha.

Groceries bought this morning, and we deposited a bag into the food hamper again today.  After putting everything away, I decided to cut up some celery, went to get my paring knife and it is not in the drawer, I looked everywhere, and I mean everywhere.  The compost container in the yard thinking I had thrown it out with something, Hubby even looked in the garbage, no knife.  It was one I have used for many years, it was an extension of my hand.   I loved that knife.  Do you have a favorite kitchen utensil?

Still plugging away at the dreaded quilt.  I received a call from a fellow guild member, she has a long are and is quilts many of our members projects.  She advised  the one I had sent to her awhile ago is now done and I can pick it up.  That is a job for tomorrow.  

This is the last day for me to have drops in my right eye.   Have to start doing my left one mid January in readiness for surgery on that one.  Can't wait to get that taken care of and then I can ditch these glasses.  

Dinner tonight chicken as always on a Tuesday night.  It is Tuesday isn't it?  The days all seem to be mixed up for me at the present time.


Monday, December 28, 2020

It's Going

 Overnight the temp rose to 6*C and we had precipitation, which melted a lot of the snow.  The eleven inches on the table is now about one inch.  A mixed bag of weather is in the forecast for the next couple of days.  

Feeling a bit better today,  going to have a Facetime visit with five of my great grands as they open the gifts I sent to them.  I am expecting a lot of noise and laughter, which is nice to hear.

I re-arranged the flowers I received from a cousin in the UK.  one of the Mums had started to loose its petals,  so needed to do something with the entire vase of flowers.  The poinsettia is doing very well.  hoping to keep it as I did several years ago.  In the Spring I put it outside for the Summer then in the Fall brought it in and put it in complete darkness for the required number of hours and was rewarded with blossoms at Christmas time.  I did that for two years and you could almost call it a tree it became so big.  I have seen the poinsettia trees in the Caribbean.  

Was able to get quite a lot done on the quilt I am making for my youngest grand daughter, not enjoying the process, but plugging away at it.  Hope to do a lot more again today, so that I can begin another one.    My sewing room has been a blessing during the past few weeks, keeping me busy and making something that I can give to someone.  The quilts I am wanted to start are two I Spy Play Mats, bowl cozies, a growth chart quilt and one for our queen size bed.  That should keep me busy until I can get out into the garden.

2021, a New Year, do you make resolutions, I do and break them.  However, this year I am really going to try and keep the ones I make.  Mainly, walk every day, no matter what the weather, and even if I have to walk up and down our driveway if the road is too unsafe for me.   Also, I know that in the past few months I have been putting on a little extra poundage, due to the fact I am not walking every day. so my second resolution is to loose some weight.  I am not fat, but do not feel comfortable with me as I am now.   Tell me your resolutions for 2021.

Sunday, December 27, 2020


 Shadows are appearing on the snow, no blue sky yet but the hint of some sunshine is just enough to see the shapes of trees outlined in the snow.  It did not get as cold as the forecasted -11*C, on down to -4*C which is a plus.  Tomorrow we could have mixed precipitation, which means rain, freezing rain, snow or name we could have it. That is tomorrow we will worry about that, if and when it gets here, so today I will enjoy a brighter day.

Not much going on around our house today, we had a normal Sunday breakfast scrambled eggs, toast, juice and coffee, it is Sunday isn't it?  The days this week are all going to be mixed up.  No newspaper on Friday, so that had to be Sunday Right? or was it Monday, we have no paper on Mondays.  Newspaper on Saturday, so was that Tuesday?  /so paper today, so is it Sunday or Monday?   You get my meaning.   Looking back as what I just wrote, it is a sad situation when your days of the week are determined on whether you get a newspaper or not.  There has been no reason for me to distinguish between any of the days anymore.

Feeling very down today,  tired of not being able to go and visit family, tired on not being able to just about anything these days.  I am already tired of the snow and cold temps and we have two of the worst months of Winter ahead of us.  Tired of doing the same thing day in and day out, my mojo has gone and left and don't know when it will be coming back,

So must get on with my day,  I need to refresh the water in a vase of flowers a cousin in England sent to me.  Also need to water my poinsettia and the geraniums I brought in the house to over the foyer downstairs.  Still have some blooms on them, a beautiful coral colour.  The flowers brighten my day. Usually, once a week in the Winter, I make my way over to a garden centre just to wander through and look at the flowers and plants and most time pick up something too.  However, not able to do that.

Dinner tonight, we still have some veg from Christmas Day dinner to use up, not sure what to have for meat yet, still time to decide.  Cheesecake for dessert and that will finish it off.  

Have a great day.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Quiet Days.

Our Christmas dinner was lovely, now to tackle the leftovers.  I love leftover Christmas  dishes, all of the hustle and bustle of preparing is finished and I can just enjoy the food.  Thank goodness for the microwave ovens they make the food look and taste as if it was just prepared.   A big pot of turkey soup is going to be made, we are going to be needing some warm comforting food in the coming days and weeks.

Woke up to eleven (110) inches of snow this morning, we can expect flurries during the day, so that amount could increase somewhat.  Just glad we don't have to go out for anything, even if we wanted to.

As my heading suggested, we are going to be having quieter days ahead.

Dinner tonight...yep you guessed it. Just have to open the fridge and viola........  turkey, potatoes, gravy, squash, brussel sprouts, dressing and cranberry sauce.  Dessert, cherry cheese cake.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Eight and a half inches.

 We did not have to dream of a White Christmas, we have one, and do we ever.

Eight and a half inches of snow at 1:00 p.m. and counting and it is still coming down.

Turkey in the oven, all other things prep. so sitting down for a couple of minutes.

Hubby is outside blowing the snow off the driveway.

Quiet day, not like the ones we have had in the past...but it is nice just the same.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


 Busy, busy, busy.   groceries, appointment, making, wrapping and delivering gifts have taken up most of my time during the past couple of days, by the time I though about posting it was too late and I was tired.

Yesterday, I had a follow up appointment with my eye surgeon, 20/20 in my right eye, so happy with that, will only need help from reading glasses when doing my sewing etc. also very happy about that.  Now I cannot wait to get my left eye done in January.  

My sight was getting quite bad due to the cataracts, and I was having trouble seeing all of the necessary road signs, which is not good.  At the age of 80, residents in Ontario are required to get an eye test and a driving test before they can renew their driving license.  My biggest fear was not being able to pass that test.  Loosing my independence was the worse thing that could happen to me, thus the reason for getting this work done now.  In Nov. I will be 80 years old, so hoping no other medical issue will happen, so I can continue to drive.

Also delivered a gift to my youngest great grand daughter yesterday, she is such a sweetheart, unfortunately, no hugs or kisses on this visit either. Social distancing and masks were in place.   After dinner, we went to delivery gifts to my youngest grand daughters and my youngest daughter and SIL.  Again distance and masks were in order.   My daughter works in a hospital, so did not take any chances.  I was so nice to see everyone, my GD Kassandra I had not seen since last Christmas as she is attending university in Ottawa.  She has just completed all of her courses, now hoping to get a job with the Government doing projects with bugs,  and then in September getting her Masters..

Will be visiting my sister this afternoon and taking her a little gift, then on to my eldest daughter's to drop off gifts for my five great grand children.  They will be visiting my DD1 on Christmas Day, so just to keep exposure at a minimum we decided to do the delivery this way.

As of  Boxing Day areas in S.W Ontario are in lockdown for a month, which is expected to lower the numbers of infections.  Time will tell, it will happen only if people abide by the rules.  There are always those who think the rules do not apply to them.

On a happier note, we have mild temps today, up to 7*C and the sun is trying to shine.  A couple of nice days are forecast, until the proverbial hits the fan, on Friday.   We can expect an accumulation of snow up to 10 cm.  Maybe it is a blessing in disguise, it will keep people home!  We can only hope.

Dinner tonight is up in the air at the moment, all depends what time we get home from all of our travels today.

Well, that me for right now. 

Sunday, December 20, 2020


Late yesterday afternoon we had light rain, which melted all of the snow.  Woke this morning to light fog and drizzle and it is quite mild 6*C.  Cloudy all day.

Did a couple of errands this morning, so I can now all of the Christmas shopping I was going to do has been done.  Just have to wrap and remotely deliver to all my great grand children.  

Within the next couple of days I am going to visit my sister, she lives about an hour and half drive away from me, so it will take up most of the afternoon going and coming.  Because she is always cooking and feeding her family (not so much at the present time of course), I made her a set of bowl cozies.  They are big ones to accommodate serving bowls. 

For some unknown reason Hubby has a swollen left knee, in October he fell on it, and yesterday it started to hurt and now is swollen, he will try and make an appointment with the Dr. for tomorrow.   I go to my eye surgeon on Tuesday for a check up on my cataract removal, then have to wait until January for the left eye to be done.  If the times goes as fast as the past month, that day will be here before I know it.  

Dinner tonight, pork tenderloin, backed potato and squash, dessert yet to be decided.


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Back to normal

Yesterday, I did the Epley maneuver and took a series of Gravol and today feeling good.  I don't know what causes it, and so glad my  Doctor suggested I do the Epley.  It works for me and that is good.

Had my hair cut yesterday, as it appears our area may back into shut down again, because the number of cases are going up.  In my opinion, it should have been done a while ago.  We made the decision not to go any where for Christmas a month ago and now happy we did that.  The newspaper indicated the vaccine should be delivered to our city in the next couple of days.  The hospital front line workers and nursing homes will be the first to receive it.  However, everyone else needs to do their part, until more people are vaccinated.

Is there anyone reading my blog, who is a quilter?  I am in the process of doing one for my grand daughter, I have mentioned this previously, however, I cannot get motivated to get it finished, any tips for getting my MOJO back into sewing this quilt.

Cloudy at the present time, but a bit milder than the last couple of days.  Snow is in the forecast, but not a lot, so no accumulation is expected.

Dinner last night was salmon, which is always very tasty.  Dinner tonight, has not been decided upon yet.

Not much going on in this house today, Hubby is watching a program on TV at the moment regarding investing, he has done quite well with the stock he  has purchased in the past.  I am doing laundry and going to do some sewing this afternoon.  I need to do some last minute errands,  ie: pay Visa and get some cash for grand daughters from the bank,  a gift card from McD's, and couple of gift bags for Great Grands gifts.  But that is not going to happen today, if the stores are open on Monday I will do it then, when they should not be as busy.  If I don't get there, well, it is what it is I am afraid.

Time to get moving,

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Feeling Better

 Getting our of bed was a lot better today. took me about an hour, breakfast and then was feeling good.  Did take another Gravol which I am sure helped,  will take another prior to going to bed.

We had about an inch of snow over night and it was been cloudy and cold all day, until dinner time when it started to snow again.   It is what I call "proper" snow.  Which is....big flakes drifting slowly down to the ground.

I made a bowl cozy a couple of days ago and decided a set of three would be a nice gift for my sister.  
She is always cooking for a big family, unfortunately not this year.  Hubby was quite impressed with the idea, so I am going to make more for us.  

Neither one of us has done  much shopping on line, so at times we find it very confusing, maybe frustrating would be the better word to use.   About three weeks ago we ordered some parts for Hubby's riding lawn mower, we did not have much trouble with the order and all was good.  Hubby then decided he should have ordered another part, called the supplier to add it to our previously submitted sorry cannot do that, you need to created another order on line and tell us to add it to the previous order.  OK, easier said than done.  We tried several times to no avail and gave up.  Today we tried again, same results, so was able to get help from a very helpful person who walked us through the process.   It was such a complicated thing todo, for us anyway, I don't know how people get anything ordered.  Are all web sites complicated?  Or are we just old fuddy duddies  that don't know whist they are doing.?  Have any of my readers ran into problems?

Dinner tonight was pork chop and applesauce, beans and a salad. chocolate pudding for dessert.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


 Lazy, quiet day as I am suffering from Vertigo.  I get a spell of this every once in awhile.   Not much helps only time and a Gravol pill or two.  It is a terrible feeling, dizzy when I move too fast and also have an upset tummy.  The Gravol is making me tired too, so maybe that is the best thing to do.   Sit and maybe close my eyes for a little while.

Do any of my readers get Vertigo?  If so, what do you do?

Hoping to find an easy dinner for Hubby tonight, so have not even thought about it until now.

Cloudy and cold today.  just like I feel.  

So that is all from me today. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Christmas Shopping

 As I have mentioned previously, I only buy for my six great grand children and it is usually clothes.  I contacted my grandchildren to enquire about sizes and what the children needed in the clothing line.  I had received a reply from my GS however, was waiting for my GD to get back to me, her reply came just as I was leaving the house yesterday, so perfect timing.

I usually go to a well known children's clothing store, they have all of the sizes I needed, and a good return/ exchange policy if Mum or Dad want to return  something.

I got everything I wanted and once home checked to see if I received all of the discounts that were advertised.  Opening the bag I found a shirt I did not buy and upon checking further I was charged for something I did not buy and not for something I did buy.  So right back to the store to correct the problem. It took the sales staff some time to sort it all out, and were full of apologies, but all is good now.  So they little ones are now all taken care off.  Because we are not having a family get together this year I will take the gifts to their houses for opening on Christmas Day.   

My grand daughter who is attending the U of O will be home for the holidays and I will do some social distance visiting during the time she will be home.   I have not see her in person since last Christmas, so it will be nice to see her face to face, masked on course.

Hubby is a "news paper clipper".  He saves the pages that has information on them that he wants to keep and he piles them up, he has quite a collection.  So currently he is cutting out the articles he wants to keep.  They will then be put in a binder.  Lots of these articles have come in handy over time.  

Dinner last night was Chinese, nice for a change as we had not had that for a long time.  Tonight, being Tuesday, is chicken dinner.   We are suck creatures of habit it is becoming scary.

Well that is me for the day. 

Monday, December 14, 2020


 Woke this morning at 6:45 a.m. and it was as dark as night and took a long time to get light.  I hate these mornings.  We have clouds with the sun trying to poke its head through, however, it does not look as if is going to be very successful today.  It cool too, only 1*C no snow for which I am thankful.

The dinner we had last night is not like the normal Sunday dinner that I am usually cooking.  It was leftovers and clean out of fridge kind of dinner.  A bit of this and a bit of that, but good just the same.  I hate to throw out food.  So what did we have, steak, meatballs in mushroom sauce, beans and sprouts.  Jelly and fruit for dessert.  Tonight it is going to be pork chops.

Yesterday, I did some sewing on my grand daughters quilt.  I purchased a kit from a fellow guild member when she was selling some of her stash which she knew she would never use. (Unfortunately, she passed away some time after the sale she had).  I have never used a kit before and to be honest will never buy another, I am so concerned there will not be enough fabric to complete this quilt, as I have been told by other members of the guild, there is usually just enough, if it is cut properly.  Hope I am cutting it that way.  I don't like the fact that other people have made the same quilt, I like mine to be a one of a kind.  All of the fabric is a solid colours and I have decided I do not like working for this type of fabric.  So all in all not enjoying the process as I had hoped I would, keeping at it because it is for someone special.   Never again will I buy a kit.

Hubby is finishing writing his Christmas cards this morning.  Then he is going to look for a screw driver he has lost, he believes over at his daughters house. After that do not know what he plans on doing.  He did bring home a wrought iron bench he is going to repair, so that could be on the agenda for the coming days.

That's it for me today, 



Sunday, December 13, 2020

Big change coming

Yesterday was mild and wet, however, starting today, the weather is going to be cold with some possible snow.   

Did not do much yesterday, laundry and the essential tidy and meals and I did spend a few minutes in the sewing room.  We did watch a couple of programs we had recorded in the afternoon.  Hubby then BBQ'd a steak, baked potato and beans for our dinner last night/  It was a big piece of meat, so what was left over we shall finish tonight with some veg.

For the past month, on Sundays,  I have been cooking a bigger and different breakfast.  This morning we had a ham and cheese omelet and toast, it was very tasty.  Back to our normal for the rest of the week.

We, or I should say the city I live in, will be in RED restrictions as of midnight tonight, in hopes of curbing the outbreaks of the virus.  On the news last night it showed people flocking to the malls to get their Christmas shopping done before the deadline.  I know that Santa has to come.....BUT. 

Having said that I should see if my hairdresser can cut my hair one day this coming week, now that my eye is almost healed.  I may have to wear the shield while she does it it, just to keep small pieces of hair away from my eye.  I will wash my hair before I go to eliminate any  problems there.

Not much going on today, 

Saturday, December 12, 2020


Dull and very wet today, most of the snow  is melted, just a little left in the field across the street.  The forecast also included some freezing rain, wet snow and heavy rain.   We had some high temps yesterday, up to 11*C, not quite to that degree today.  Then starting tomorrow the temp plunges down to the minus numbers and is forecast to be that way for at least the nest week.  It's, December, so we can expect almost anything.

Posted all of my Christmas cards yesterday, Hubby has one to write, to a woman  he has know for a long time, usually including a letter too,.  Years ago when they were going to teachers collage, the woman (D) and her girl friend rented rooms from Hubby and his wife.  (D) has always been in touch, mostly at Christmas, for many years.  She was 18 years old when she lived in this city and is now a grandmother, so the communication has been going on for many years.  Three years ago, Hubby and I were in the area where she currently lives, made contact via phone, but unfortunately unable to visit her.  I mentioned to Hubby, that would be a nice road trip next year make prior arrangements to visit her and her family.  

My youngest granddaughter, will likely be soooo excited today, she has just purchased her first car.  She has been working part time for several years, and will be full time until September, when she goes back to her education, so plenty of money in the bank for car and school.  She is very sensible about money matters.  

This week my sister's family increased by one, her great grand daughter arrived on Tuesday, saw photo on FB, she sure is a cutie.  

Not sure what is on the menu for tonight's dinner, must decided soon I suppose.

Friday, December 11, 2020


 Beautiful sunny day, after some fog cleared, not too warm, just 4*C so far, but its early, so hope for a bit warmer later in the day.

RED, and that is not good.  The newspaper article this morning has indicated if the numbers of COVID keep increasing in the city and surrounding area, it could put a stress on the hospital system and we could be moved up to the RED category.  Which for us, is the highest resulting in additional closures and lockdowns.  

I have not done any shopping for Christmas gifts yet, I don't usually leave it this late, however, cannot get in the mood and really not looking forward to going into a lot of store at this point in time.  I only buy for six great grandchildren and for them it is usually clothes or books and two grandchildren receive money.   

Hubby worked at his daughters house yesterday, he has finally admitted that at his age he should not be climbing up ladders to fix the eaves trough  So, now that he can do it, he is putting a leaf guard on them, so that he will not have to climb ladders in future years.  He is currently waiting for it to warm up a bit,  all that work has to be done today, as tomorrow we can expect rain and then colder temps next week.

All day yesterday I felt a bit sluggish, after affects from my eye surgery I expect, however, after dinner I felt more like myself and made a batch of blueberry muffins.  Of course, we had to try one just to see if they were good enough to eat.  Ha Ha.  Note to self, buy paper baking cups.

Friday, so fish for dinner tonight, salmon, mushrooms, baked potato.  Dessert a mystery at the moment.

Thursday, December 10, 2020


 Today is a beautiful sunny day, cool at the moment and temp to go p to 4*C  a lot better than yesterday, when it was dull, damp and cold.

,I had my right eye cataract removed yesterday, it took a couple of hours total, and it was not as bad as I had expected it would be. So that is good.  My sight in that eye is still fuzzy but that will clear in time.  I have a return trip to the surgeon in a couple of weeks to check that all is good.

The operating room was so cold even with a blanket on me.  When I returned home it took me the whole afternoon and evening to get warmed up.  When I have my left eye done I am taking some warm fluffy socks with me.  Once my feet get cold my entire body is too.

Following doctor's orders for the next couple of days, no heavy lifting etc. so no housework is going to be done any time soon.  The house received a good going over on the weekend so it will be OK just the basics are to be done.   How much mess can two people make any way.  

Hubby is having a bone density test this morning, has the beginning of Osteoarthritis.  He takes a pill once a week to help with that.

Dinner tonight, not sure, time will tell. 

Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Posting tonight

Don't know what tomorrow will bring, going to have a cataract surgery tomorrow, so doing a short post tonight.

Wanted to show everyone reading my blog the wall hanging that I have just finished.  It is now hanging in my kitchen for the Winter.  We have a lot of cardinals coming to our feeder all year long.  

This is a collage, I purchased the pattern, and it was downloaded onto my computer.  Never done a collage before and thoroughly enjoyed the process.  Might get another if the picture is to my liking.


Bye for now.


Tuesday again and it's grocery shopping day.  The sun was just starting to rise, we could see the crescent moon in the clear sky as we walked into the store.  I counted only two other shoppers, while we were there and they were seniors.  

Burrr, it was brisk, temp indicated -4*C. my car was in the garage, so did not have to scrape the frost off the windows, it did, however, take a long time before the heat started to fill the car.  Just in time to get out at the store.

Hubby was busy yesterday at his daughter's house, she had a huge branch of a tree cut down as it was hanging dangerously over her house.  The tree removal service did a great job and was done in no time. All of the wood in now in the utility trailer ready to go to the recycle depot tomorrow afternoon.

My sister's new great grand daughter was suppose to be born yesterday, Mum was going to be induced as she has other health issues.  Will have to call later today to see how everyone is.

I received a disturbing e-mail from my long time (70 plus years) girl friend in the UK yesterday.  She advised she has cancer, however, the good news is surgery can remove it and it has not spread.  The bad news is when can she get into hospital with the Covid 19 pandemic everywhere.

Dinner tonight, chicken asparagus, rice, not sure what we will have for dessert.

Monday, December 07, 2020

Sunny and cold

 Up early this morning, lovely sunrise with sun and blue skies all day, however, the wind is cold.

Why was I up early?  I had the undercarriage of my car oiled, it keeps the rust from forming.  My car is a 2006, so it getting past it's prime but it still runs like clockwork and the oil must be rust.  Then I stopped at a local department store to pick up my vitamins and then to the garden center for a poinsettia.  The greenhouse was scarlet, pink and white all poinsettia's in bloom, very pretty.  Last year they had some big plants, no so this year, however, the one I got looks very nice in my living room.  Which colour do you like best, red, pink or white ?  As far as I am concerned it has to be red.  There was a sign that indicated all of their Christmas trees for all sold, so I must assume, because everyone is not going south or on a vacation somewhere, they are staying home and having a celebration in their own home. It's nice to see someone is making a living in these times.

 Lunch and then received a couple of phone calls that seem to last forever, but it was great talking to those callers.  Had not spoken to one in a long time, so it was especially nice to hear all of her news.

Puttering around this afternoon with some more Christmas decorating, house it looking a bit more festive now.  

 Dinner tonight leftovers, (the pork loin was delicious), dessert, not sure yet.

Sunday, December 06, 2020

A better day

 After getting all of the "stuff" off my chest, I feel better today.  Thanks for listening.

Today is cloudy, with the sun trying to get through but so far not having much luck.  More of our snow melted yesterday, just patches left where the sun does not get to.  None in the immediate forecast either, which is fine with me.  It's cool, temp just above the zero mark, so wind blowing like it was yesterday, so feel not too bad.  

The Christmas Cactus is putting forth more blooms, please with the way it is looking this year, last time it bloomed there were only a couple of flowers.  Later in the week I plan I getting a poinsettia.  

Not much happening today, got everything that needed to be taken care of yesterday, so today I am in my sewing room.

Dinner tonight, pork loin, baked potato, rutabaga, will warm up some of the veg we had left over from last night's dinner and lemon poke cake.


Saturday, December 05, 2020

Why bother

Move on, you may not want to read this from a miserable old lady,  

I am bitchy today, excuse the language,  it's one of those days when things are not  going just right, there is nothing wrong, but just not right.

It started yesterday, I got out some of the Christmas decorations, a wreath on the door, it is a beautiful one, so had to admire it when it  was up.  Happy.  Then the little tree, put on some lights and nice shiny balls and icicles.  Displayed some Christmas cards we have received already amongst some garland and more lights, looks OK.  Then I thought "why bother"  there is not going to be a Christmas,  No family get together, "why bother".  Looked in my cook books  for the Christmas shortbread I make, its the family's favorite cookie I make every year,  "why bother" no one will be eating them    I warned you, leave now.  

Then the toilet in the downstairs bathroom kept running and runny, for how long we don't know, I blame myself as I was the last one to use it.  It ran long enough for water to go everywhere, had to use the shop vac to suck up the water,  Hubby was ranting and raving, I admitted it could have been my fault and felt guilty as it could have ruined the floor.  He did not blame me. but I felt the words were  being directed to me  they made me feel very uncomfortable.   I  had had enough of that when I was married, it brought back some not so pleasant memories. Miserable. When I recall this I get weepy, it hurt years ago and the scars still hurt.

Today, Hubby was doing some plumbing work, I went to help, I do not know a lot about how tools work, more words, when I did not or  do what I was suppose to, "turn the screw at the end to open it".  What he was trying to do did not work so I started to write my Christmas cards, "why bother"..  

I am a social person, I need to talk to people, I go to the theatre with friends I worked with, we have been doing this for as many years as I can remember.  I used to go to a seniors exercise class, not any more.  I visit my family, my Hubbies family, they visit us, we visit his friends, my friends, my sister.  not any more.  I am "Virus fatigued" and everything just came to a head today.

 Not looking for sympathy, just venting, 

So I am going to forget that yesterday and today, never happened.  Tomorrow is another day, maybe things won't look as gloomy as the weather.

I start my eye drops in ready for surgery on Wednesday,  the sun is suppose to shine, maybe make some blueberry muffins.  Things should be better.  


Friday, December 04, 2020


 The sunset last night was the most beautiful one I have seen in a long time.  The entire western sky was PINK.  I took a couple of photo's but they do the real thing justice, so not going to show them.  It was the end of a day that was OK for the month of December.   A bit of sun, a bit of cloud and also a bit of wind that could be called a bite not a bit.  Temp all day was above the zero mark so a little more snow melted.

Did a few errands today, wheels retorqued from having my Winter tires put on, picked up some milk Fit later today, need to finish the quilting on my cardinal, should be done and ready to hang, maybe tomorrow.  Then I will take a photo of it and share.

Going to look though my cook books and on the internet for Christmas cookies, I usually do shortbreads which I will do again this year, but looking for something different.  Any suggestions?  What is your favorite Christmas cookie recipe, other than shortbread?  Obviously, we will not be having family over to eat them, so only going to make a couple and then freeze some, so that we have a supply of sweet treats during the holidays.

Have to contact my grandchildren to see what my great grands need in the line of clothes this year.  I suspect, as always none of them really need anything.  Toys are not on my list of things to buy them, that is up to Mum and Dad (oops Santa).  

Once my grands reach the age of 18, I do not give them anything for Christmas, what they wanted back then were things I knew nothing about, ie: electronics, and I could not afford to buy them for four.  All four are now married with spouses and doing very well.  I have two grandchildren, one 22 and one 18years,  I have been bending my "no gift after 18 rules" with them. Why? you might ask.   They have always been close to me, not just physically but emotionally too.  I was with their parents when they were put in their arms, thousands of miles away from home.  I looked after them when Mum and Dad were working shift hours to pay for all the expenses of adopting  them, internationally.  They are very smart, ambitious  and caring young ladies.  I give them some money to help with their educations for  University and College.  One is finishing her four year of Honor's B. Sc Biology and is starting her Masters in Sept.  The younger of the two, I believe I have mentioned before, has two pilot license and is going to attend College in Sept to become a pilot.  Don't get me wrong all of my grandchildren are special, each in their own way,

Well I should get this finished and do something.

Dinner tonight salmon, and we have a salad, so far, so have to decide what else we can have also need to think about dessert

Thursday, December 03, 2020


As mentioned in previous posts we live in an area where we have deer roaming free in everyone's back garden and in the wooded area across the street.  When we looked out the windows yesterday morning we could see the deer had paid us a visit.  It appears there might have been three nosing around in the garden looking for something to eat under the snow.  I mentioned to Hubby it would be interesting to see them at night through the lens of a motion sensor camera.  But, we really do not need one as we see them throughout the day.  This morning  a buck was walking down the road, as bold as could be, with his head held high and showing of his three pointer rack.   

Another sunny day and again cold.  it's 2*C but the wind is making it feel so much colder.  Water is, again dripping off the ice which formed yesterday on the roof.

Not much on the agenda today, plan on a walk after lunch, it might warm up a bit by then.  Then some sewing, there is nothing to do outside now, so plan on doing a lot more work in the sewing room in the coming weeks.

Hubby is puttering, do little odd jobs, turning of the water to the hoses, putting the bird bath upside down, it's is cement so do  not want it to crack with ice, snow and cold temps.  He is also putting his utility trailer away, we have nothing to go to the recycle depot anymore and it closes in a couple of days.

Dinner tonight lamp chops, mint sauce and left over veg from last night.  Made a .small batch of cupcakes yesterday, so we will have one for dessert.

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Seven inches

After all the snow stopped falling on Monday and Tuesday, we had a total of seven inches.  More was expected over night but we had just a dusting.  Yesterday was windy, cold and snowy and today, how can two days be so different, we have beautiful blue skies and sunshine, its cold when out in the wind,  the sun has a bit of heat in it and the south facing portion of the roof has water dripping off of it.   Hubby had to removed the snow from the end of the driveway as the plough piled it there as it does every time the road is cleared.  He wanted to get it removed before it started to freeze later today.  It ends up being great big frozen clumps of snow which are difficult to remove. 

We put up some lights on the front porch and the balcony railings this morning.  I will start putting a few things up in the house in a week or two, also plan on buying a poinsettia then too.   Christmas is not Christmas if I don't have a poinsettia.  A couple of years ago, I kept one growing for two Christmas's, it was almost a tree, something happened, not sure what, however, it died.  Speaking about plants,  
we grow cherry tomato plants in pots during the Summer, in the Fall we cut the plant down and bring the pots inside, so they don't break during the cold weather.  They are stored in a cold room under our garage, this year I left the soil in the pots.  As we were looking for extension cords for the lights, we noticed one of the tomato plants had started to grow, so we moved it closer the window hoping it will grow string enough to be put outside in the Spring.  Time will tell.'

Dinner tonight, BBQ ribs, sweet potato and broccoli, dessert not sure.

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Old Man Winter

 He hit with a vengeance starting last evening, and by all the warnings on TV and newspaper, we can expect snow, and blowing snow through today and into tomorrow morning.  At the time of writing this blog the time is, 11:00 a.m. and we have about five inches of snow on the ground, so we can expect at least that same amount to accumulate during the next hours. It is a wet snow that is clinging to all the branches etc, and it does look very pretty, if snow that deep can look pretty.

Hubby cleaned off the car so that we could do our early morning grocery shop and then had to do it again in the parking lot before we could drive home.  We were in the store for not quite an hour.  We are all stocked up for food for the next few days.  Once the snow removal equipment gets out on the streets and roads they will be relatively clear.   During a snow storm like this, the snow removal equipment usually do several passes, to keep the traffic moving.

Hubby will likely go out after lunch and start to clear the driveway, and he may have to do it again later in the day.  Thank goodness he has a snow blower to do the job.

I plan on sew this afternoon, I have lots in there to keep me busy

Dinner tonight chicken, baked potato, veg and not sure what dessert is tonight.  

Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...