Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Much needed rain

 We must have had a steady rain during the night as the rain gauge indicates we have had an inch.  It is amazing how quickly the grass and plants respond to a nice drink of rain water.  

We have a Copper Beech tree in our front garden, it is huge and provides much needed shade in the Summer, however, at this time of the year all of the nuts are falling.  The nuts do not have any meat in them, don't know if they are even suppose too, however, the outer coverings are falling all of the place.  We pick them up on a regular basis, and have paper garden bags full of them.  Hubby is currently picking up the ones that fell with the help of the rain last night.

Clouds today as well as some sun, but a lot cooler than it has been,  Autumn finally here?  Must be, it is almost October.

Going to give my GGD Mia her birthday gift on Saturday, her Grandma is having cake, outside, hope it warms up a bit by then.  Note to myself, wear something warm.

Speaking of warm, I think it is time for me to start putting away my Summer clothes and bring out the  warm sweaters and long pants.  Find my boots, gloves, scarves etc. etc.   I hate getting dressed up in all of this gear during the Winter.  What is a favorite season?  Me... Spring ...everything is new and I can look forward to Summer.  

Dinner tonight Chicken, rice, asparagus and salad, dessert not sure yet. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the rain water seems to do the plants so much better than just well water from the tap. I have a rain barrel but just haven't set it up yet. Supper sounds delicious! ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

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