Saturday, September 05, 2020


The weather has turned cold, we not really cold but a lot cooler than it has been,  The A/C has been turned off and the windows have been flung open in let in the fresh air.  All of the humidity in the air was cleared away with the recent thunderstorm and rain.  Temp went down to 13*C last night, so when I got up last 5:00 a.m. to visit the loo it was down right chilly on the nether regions with the breeze blowing in the window.  Back into bed and the blanket was pulled up a little tighter around my neck.

It is cloudy with not much hope of the sun shining today, so the temp in staying cool.  Tomorrow and Monday we can expect rain.

During the past couple of weeks Hubby has been wearing a pair of old very old pants to complete the job at his daughters, that job is now finished and so are the pants.  I patched them some time ago, and re patched the knees, but they were getting so thin I refused to do any more repair to them, so they got thinner and thinner as the days went by.  He does not like to throw things away, and these pants were going, so when he took them off I tied the legs in knots, so tight he would not be able to get them undone.  It worked they are in the garbage.

As I finish this post I can see rain, so any job which was going to take place today, is now put on hold.  I feel sorry for all the people that planned on taking their last camping trip this weekend, it is a holiday weekend here,  unofficially the last camping week end of the Summer, as usually the children go back to school on Tuesday.  This year, however, they will go back on the 14th, to a very different year of studies.

Dinner tonight, some of the pasta casserole is left over, so we might just as well finish it up with additional veg and a salad.  Dessert, not sure at the present time.

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COLD --------- and------- NEWSPAPER

Today is bitterly cold due to the Polar Vortex in this area, and it is suppose to be the same until Wednesday when it is suppose to warm up ...