Sunday, September 13, 2020

I am back

 Been AOL for a couple of days.    Friday as I mentioned I had vertigo, feeling a lot better.

Yesterday we attended Hubby's sister in laws funeral, she had not been 100% for awhile.  Passed away in her sleep Sept 4th.  I had met her several times during get together s with Hubby's family.  Covid -19 change the way the funeral and all funerals come to that, are handled,  it certainly was not like they used to be.  We had to register with the funeral home to attend, so they could monitor how many were going to attend, wear a mask,  use the hand sanitizer, and register again so that they had a record to facilitate contract tracing if it was necessary.   No lunch, not even tea or coffee was served after the service, only bottled water.   Even her son could not attend his Mothers funeral due to the travel restrictions.  So Sad.  I know all of these things have to be in place to curb this terrible virus, but it saddens me  people cannot give the departed the respect of a proper funeral.  I also realize all funerals are not the same format as I have been accustomed to.

It was such a nice afternoon we went for a drive in the convertible, the days are numbered now as the weather changes from one day to the next.  We got stuck in traffic which was coming from an air show at the International airport in the city.  People who  went to the show had to purchase their tickets on line, stay in their designated space at the air port during the show.  No static displays were there just the planes in the air.  No food or drink, nor souvenirs were available.  The number of cars that were leaving indicted there was a very good turnout.  Rain earlier this morning, but the skies are clearing, so hopefully there will be a successful show again today.

Dinner tonight, BBQ ribs, might go and buy a couple of ears of corn, salad and lemon meringue pie for dessert.  

1 comment:

  1. Yes, life is different now and I don't like it one bit. I'm used to the type of funerals you described... complete with the nice dinner afterward, where everybody gathers together in their grief & "breaks bread" together. I wonder what the outcome of all this will be, once the virus is over. ~Andrea xoxo


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