Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Foggy and damp

 The weather in this neck of the woods has change to Autumn very quickly this year.  Fog this morning and it is taking a long time to burn off, so everything is very damp.   As a result all the maple leaves that have fallen due to the blight are starting to decompose and smell of Autumn.   The sun is forecast to shine today it is just taking a long time to do it.  I am sure we are going to have some nice days in September, as soon as we get over this period of clouds and rain.  We hope there are a few more days, of nice weather, so we can take more rides with the top down on the convertible. 

Have not seen any hummingbirds for a few days, so I guess we can assume they have started to fly to warmer climes.  The Monarch butterflies are flying through the garden on their way down to Mexico for the Winter.  There are not as many as there were years ago.  On the news a couple of days ago the TV showed the butterflies being tagged, so their flight and whereabouts can be traced.

Not much going on in my piece of earth today, are you having a busy day, or taking it easy.

Dinner last night was going to be chicken but that didnt happen, on Tuesdays we purchase a fully cooked chicken from the grocery store, however, yesterday the store received no chickens to cook.  No explanation was given just they were not delivered.  Hope it is not a result of staff along the supply chain being ill.  It was a good thing there was roast beef left.

So tonight's dinner we will finish the roast beef with a backed potato, gravy, cauliflower and a salad, dessert fruit in jelly.   

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to get up the motivation to DO something but I'm having a hard time of it. I'm reading more and more about the virus ramping up in the news this morning. I can't think about it too much without getting depressed. ~Andrea xoxo


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