Sunday, September 06, 2020


When we heard the weather forecast on the TV last night and the temps for the low overnight, we flipped the switch for some heat to take the chill off.  Looking at the thermometer this morning it went down to 9*C over night, so we were  glad we turned on the furnace. Today the sun is shining and it is looking as if it might be a very nice day, however, several days in the coming week look wet.  Any chores that need to be done outside better be done today.

I took some cuttings from my geraniums  yesterday and potted them up, keeping them outside until a frost forces me to bring them in for the Winter.  The one I like the most is a coral colour, don't know the name of it, sorry.  

We are getting enough tomatoes from our two plants to keep our salads looking and tasting good.  They are the only veg I grow, as mentioned many times in past posts the deer roam freely in our neighbourhood so there is little sense in growing a big garden when the animals reap the rewards.  There are a lot of growers who have a road side stand which  provide almost anything we are interested in.

Hubby mows the road side grass for the neighbour across  the street, and in return she always gives us a large jar of honey, from her brothers bee hives.  We dont use a lot of it in cooking but add it to lemon juice and hot water for a soothing drink when we have a cold.

Dinner tonight: roast beef and the trimmings ,cauliflower and a salad of course, dessert will be a vanilla  mousse.

That is all from me today, 


  1. I am new to your blog and look forward to your entries. My name is Andrea and I am 64 years old. From the description of your "likes" it seems we are of a similar mindset. I live in Indiana. ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

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